With much fanfare and hype, the New York Times rushed to “report” over the weekend that former President George W. Bush, Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) and former Sec. of State Colin Powell were not planning on supporting President Trump’s reelection bid.
While their “report” on Bush turned to be fake news, their reporting on Romney and Powell was true.
Romney has said he doesn’t know if he’ll write his wife Ann’s name on the ballot or what he’ll do. Powell announced over the weekend that he was endorsing Joe Biden for president.
Neither are surprising in the least, especially considering that Romney was the lone Republican who voted to remove Trump from office in February during the Senate’s impeachment trial.
In fact, the only thing really surprising about the New York Times’ article on Republicans who have said they won’t support Trump is in how they seem to be believe other Republicans outside of diehard Never Trump grifters like Jennifer Rubin should care in the slightest about who Romney and Powell are and are not supporting.
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), who almost single-handedly took down the New York Times last week by getting them to expose themselves for the partisan hacks they are, took to the Twitter machine on Sunday to point out to the media that Powell’s endorsement of Biden will hold no sway over non-Never Trump Republicans going into the fall election – and why:
I respect Colin Powell’s service and he’s entitled to his opinion, like every other American. But he hasn’t voted Republican for sixteen years. Apparently John McCain and Mitt Romney were “too extreme” for Secretary Powell. https://t.co/hf2Q14pwqN
— Tom Cotton (@TomCottonAR) June 7, 2020
Finding even moderate Republicans like Romney and McCain not suitable enough for the presidency tells us much about Powell’s political philosophy, which is to say he’s further to the left than the media would like people to think he is.
To amplify the point, Noah Pollak also noted that Powell has not supported a Republican for president since the Bush administration, for which he worked:
Colin Powell public presidential endorsements:
2008: Obama
2012: Obama
2016: Clinton
2020: Biden
But please, journos, carry on with your breaking news coverage of this former Republican official who is courageously breaking ranks with his Party.— Noah Pollak (@NoahPollak) June 7, 2020
On the positive side, at least the NYT’s blockbuster “report” on Powell and Romney’s positions on Trump’s reelection bid kept them from gaslighting America on race issues for a whole five minutes. So we can at least be thankful for that.
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