I recently sat down for an interview with North Carolina podcaster Pete Kaliner to talk about the rampant hypocrisy on display from Democrats and the mainstream media when it comes to their scoldings about social distancing just weeks ago versus their virtue signaling about social justice warrioring now.
As an example, two weeks ago, CNN had a reporter on a beach in Alabama hypocritically mask-shaming people for over their failure to wear masks and social distance in the middle of a pandemic. Weeks prior to that, on-air anchors at CNN and MSNBC were slamming Reopen protesters for taking to the streets and marching to get their respective states reopened for business so people could provide for their families.
Democrats in states like mine (North Carolina) were doing the same thing, scolding Reopen marchers for having the audacity exercise their First Amendment rights, with some accusing them of being willing to put the lives of senior citizens at risk just so they could go get a haircut and eat BBQ in a restaurant.
You barely hear a thing anymore about the dangers of not social distancing and going without a mask from these same people, and the reasons why are clear. That’s what Pete and I discussed in the podcast.
Please check out the podcast by clicking “play” below:
Thanks for listening!
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