Unlike with the reopen marches, where journalists gave us up to the minute “reports” on how protesters were not social distancing and/or not wearing masks, we have not been hearing the same “you’re gonna kill people, you selfish jerk!” lectures from Democrats and their allies in the mainstream media regarding those marching over the officer-involved death of George Floyd.
The double standards – which I should note extend to my Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper here in NC – have been so blatant that some reporters, including Fox Los Angeles reporter Bill Melugin, have even pointed out how “ridiculous and arbitrary” the stay at home rules and lectures have been all along:
One thing these protests have revealed is how ridiculous and arbitrary these stay at home orders & social distancing lectures have been.
— Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) May 30, 2020
Pharmacist Matt Dawson became so disgusted and frustrated over the hypocrisy and mixed messaging that he went on an epic rant on his Twitter feed Monday, calling out the inconsistencies of Democratic leaders and media figures who just a few days ago were doing things like trying to shame beachgoers in Alabama for not wearing masks and not social distancing in the middle of the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic.
Grab some popcorn, kick back in the recliner, and read on. It’s a lengthy rant, but worth it (language warning):
— Matt Dawson (@SaintRPh) June 1, 2020
Seriously. I’ve been working in the pharmacy since March, in PPE. Washing my hands constantly. Wearing a mask 50 hours a week. Since MARCH! Bringing whatever home to my family from a crowded supermarket. And the riots just are cool? Fuck the covid plan right? Fucks sake. Smh
— Matt Dawson (@SaintRPh) June 2, 2020
Just open every fucking thing up now. All the way. They don’t give a fuck about this disease. Not stopping the riots. Fuck me. Fuck this.
— Matt Dawson (@SaintRPh) June 2, 2020
Seeing all these STUPID ASS politicians wearing masks while supporting ANTIFA and the riots. PICK A SIDE! Stop the spread or support the rioters!
— Matt Dawson (@SaintRPh) June 2, 2020
Hey y’all remember when those pastors got arrested for having church? 😂😂😂Remember they were called murderers! NOW RIOTERS ARE HAVIN CHURCH 24/7! Where’s the outrage?! Who’s the grandma killer now. Fuck you.
— Matt Dawson (@SaintRPh) June 2, 2020
“Can I go get my haircut?”
“Wtf! You wanna kill granma?!”
“Can I steal all the equipment and burn down the barber shop?”
“Well why didn’t you say that in the first place!? Of course!”— Matt Dawson (@SaintRPh) June 2, 2020
I guess is essential workers should just go home. I mean obviously covid isn’t serious since no one will stop the hoards of humanity packing the streets, burning the shit down.
— Matt Dawson (@SaintRPh) June 2, 2020
Ok here we go, make the reforms. Obviously they’re needed! Dude got shot at his BBQ place today. During a protest about that! Ok that’s taken care of. NOW STOP FUCKING RIOTING AND SPREADING CORONA YOU FUCKING IDIOTS!
— Matt Dawson (@SaintRPh) June 2, 2020
What is Safe from Covid?
✅Getting a crowd of people and burning down Churches, Stores, and parks— Matt Dawson (@SaintRPh) June 2, 2020
My other answer. Don’t arrest the rioters. But get the National guard. And I mean all the national guard. And Quarantine the rioters for 2 weeks. Just following what we’ve been doing since FUCKING MARCH!
— Matt Dawson (@SaintRPh) June 2, 2020
Do words have no meaning? Just let the current circumstances guide our lives? Is that how weak willed and spineless we are?
— Matt Dawson (@SaintRPh) June 2, 2020
You can’t have a pandemic containment plan in action for months then let that all fall apart because we don’t want to hurt feelings by stopping a violent riot! What’s the fucking point!? Are we listening to Fauci or Faust? Pick one.
— Matt Dawson (@SaintRPh) June 2, 2020
Just open your businesses. If the state is not going to stop literal looting and burning or buildings, they’ll have a lot of nerve if you decide to sell a meal, a product, a service and they want to shut you down. If they don’t care about covid then why should we?
— Matt Dawson (@SaintRPh) June 2, 2020
You can’t push pause on a disease. It doesn’t pause so people can riot.
— Matt Dawson (@SaintRPh) June 2, 2020
That Michigan Governor is a fucking joke! Close everything down with threats! Then don’t do anything when there are riots. Enjoy your Covid, Gretch! https://t.co/eLOyCuKxjw
— Matt Dawson (@SaintRPh) June 2, 2020
“We’re all in this together!” Who the fuck is we?! You got a mouse in your pocket! Riots or social distancing! Pick one!
— Matt Dawson (@SaintRPh) June 2, 2020
We need coronavirus case updates in protest cities from journalist and Democrat mask/distancing monitors in two weeks to find out if protesters who aren’t following CDC guidelines on social distancing, wearing a mask, and maximum gathering limits have caused case numbers to rise. Because #consistency.
Related –>> Fed up Minneapolis Woman Gives Interview That Every Riot Apologist in the Mainstream Media Should Watch
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