There are times when you read a hot take from someone where you ask yourself “How on earth did this person come to such a bizarre conclusion?”
Such was the case for me and many others after MSNBC’s Chris Hayes weighed in on the massive rioting and looting that took place in Minneapolis, Minnesota last night after the police-involved death of George Floyd.
Hayes’s take was different from other crazy hot takes from the left only in how he compared the police reaction to the Minneapolis riots to the police reaction to the armed militiamen in Michigan who were part of a “reopen” march a few weeks ago that eventually made its way into the statehouse.
Here’s how Hayes compared the two. Make sure to watch the video clip all the way through to really get the full sense of just how ridiculous his comparison was:
.@chrislhayes on wildly uneven reactions to protests against death of George Floyd vs. armed militia lockdown protests:
“Another example of how this pandemic has been a kind of blacklight, exposing all the inequalities in American life.” pic.twitter.com/tNBSehZ3Da
— All In with Chris Hayes (@allinwithchris) May 28, 2020
This left a lot of people including me scratching their heads, and wondering how the hell he didn’t understand the differences between the two:
Which protesters looted and burned stuff to the ground and assaulted people, Chris? https://t.co/f5YgGaoxxS
— Sister Toldjah 😁 (@sistertoldjah) May 28, 2020
Maybe Chris, just maybe these ''uneven reactions'' were do to ''uneven actions''???
You are deeply concerned about people who stood with guns and shouted, but you do not seem to see a problem with those who are looting, burning businesses, and vandalizing police cars. https://t.co/CuGIVCrmaj— Brad Slager: aka Wuhan Solo (@MartiniShark) May 28, 2020
Chris will never answer this question because a peaceful protest taken out of context generates just as many clicks as a violent riot https://t.co/QtmvhDGxkg
— Schrödinger’s Virus (@jumpinjonnydee) May 28, 2020
The difference being images of what scare liberals (men standing still with guns) with absolutely no violence or damage vs. open, aggressive rioting literally burning down cities, which the left swoons over as 'justified anger' and labels 'peaceful protest.' https://t.co/j1aFc4uSi4
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) May 28, 2020
The militia men didn’t loot a Target, smash police cars, or destroy other property.
— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) May 28, 2020
Protesting is legal
Rioting and looting is not
Regardless of what party anyone is https://t.co/nYhBIoCGMR
— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) May 28, 2020
As the Federalist’s Sean Davis also pointed out, other members of the mainstream media will take a different view in their comparisons of the Michigan protesters vs. the Minneapolis rioters because narratives:
Take note of the obscene media double standard when it comes to protests. Media smeared and slimed peaceful lockdown protestors in Michigan. But when it comes to the looting and violent riots in Minnesota, where masks and social distancing are non-existent, media are silent.
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) May 28, 2020
Case in point:
Great headline @CNN 🙄 Did those “fires” just start themselves ? pic.twitter.com/JDcPZlWbaR
— Jon Nicosia (@NewsPolitics) May 28, 2020
Also, maybe someone should show Hayes this video clip of what Minneapolis looks like today in the aftermath of rioters burning down everything in sight last night, and then wonder again why the police reactions differed:
Morning after the protests and riots in Minneapolis of the police killing George Floyd. It’s eerie pic.twitter.com/UVF2ltmL7E
— Max Nesterak (@maxnesterak) May 28, 2020
The video footage speaks for itself.
Related –>> Watch: Regular Armed Citizens Are Defending Local Businesses in Minneapolis
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