As I’ve said before, I really do believe that Never Trumper Jennifer Rubin is quite possibly the absolute least self-aware person on the face of the earth. Seriously.
There is, almost quite literally, not a day that goes by that the so-called “conservative columnist” does not demonstrate this in some form or fashion, either on her Twitter feed or by way of the columns she writes for the Washington Post.
Not only is Rubin sorely lacking in the self-awareness department, but considering her own serious credibility issues she is probably one of the last people anywhere who should be weighing in on someone else’s supposed credibility issues.
The latest example of Rubin’s utter clulessness comes by way of her commentary on new media hit pieces from Politico and PBS that predictably trash Joe Biden accuser Tara Reade’s character (because they must Protect the Precious at all costs, even if it means buhbye to #BelieveAllWomen). Here are two tweets Rubin posted on the stories:
I think we are done here https://t.co/c3n7XbvJDJ
— Jennifer Rubin (@JRubinBlogger) May 15, 2020
Reade ingratiated herself, explained she was down on her luck and needed help, and eventually took advantage of their goodwill to extract money, skip rent payments or walk out on other bills. https://t.co/RBryGCEI32 We are REALLY done with this
— Jennifer Rubin (@JRubinBlogger) May 15, 2020
Rubin’s Pelosi-esque declaration that the Tara Reade issue is now closed did not go over well with Twitter users, who then proceeded to point a few things out:
— China is lying (@jtLOL) May 15, 2020
Biden staffer: That’s not the Joe Biden I know.
Jennifer Rubin: See? Told you Tara Reade is a liar. https://t.co/qK6OhtVKR2
— Siraj Hashmi (@SirajAHashmi) May 15, 2020
I’d like to know why Biden’s many documented lies on other issues aren’t a big part of this conversation? And his plagiarism, and the Ukraine stuff, etc. The guy is a dirtbag, and it’s mystery why his broader history isn’t relevant regarding Tara Reade.
— Global Yokel (@GlobalYokel) May 16, 2020
Disclaimer: I’m very skeptical of these claims. That said, a person can’t be a jerk and still be sexually assaulted? Do terrible people forfeit their right to be heard?
— Joseph Hicks (@jrhicksesq) May 15, 2020
Victim shaming? Was she asking for it?
— deepereyes (@deepereyes) May 15, 2020
Massive L pic.twitter.com/CAWzSWPBlT
— nic cage’s son (@one_almond_) May 15, 2020
(select = for political expediency)
— The Alt-Middle (@thealtmiddlenet) May 15, 2020
Right-o. Believe All Women has morphed into “Believe Some Women” or “Destroy Any Woman” who interferes with the left’s political ambitions.
Glad we’ve cleared that one up (not that it wasn’t already obvious ages ago).
Besides, if credibility issues were grounds for completely dismissing someone’s arguments and relegating them to the back benches, then Jen Rubin would have been laughed off the stage a LONG time ago. And yet here we are…
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