Ever since CBS News senior investigative correspondent Catherine Herridge broke the news about DNI acting director Richard Grenell’s notification to Congress of the declassified “unmasking list”, Democrats and other so-called mainstream media “journalists” have been in a frenzied panic, and have retreated further into Orange Man Bad mode, seeking to cast doubt on news that is very, very damaging to Joe Biden’s presidential campaign.
Among them is Washington Post “fact checker” Glenn Kessler, who I find is very hit or miss – but mostly miss.
The word “miss” definitely applies to his ridiculous dismissal of the list Grenell released as a nothingburger, even though it was a list that included the names of numerous Obama administration officials, including then-Vice President Biden.
Counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway took to the Twitter machine yesterday to say “told you so” to all the haters and doubters:
This is unbelievable and disappointing from high-ranking officials & sore losers. Many of the two-faced unmaskers repeatedly lied on TV & elsewhere, while stating under oath the truth of "no evidence of collusion/conspiracy". @RichardGrenell, brave and patriotic. https://t.co/oYZoZFxB5D
— Kellyanne Conway (@KellyannePolls) May 13, 2020
Kessler, in full Protect the Precious mode, had this response:
Read the fine print, @KellyannePolls:
“While the principals are identified below, we cannot confirm they saw the unmasked information.” https://t.co/nk7JhxHZTP— Glenn Kessler (@GlennKesslerWP) May 13, 2020
Conway was not having any of it. She blasted him and turned the tables around on him, demanding he and/or his paper finally get around to fact checking claims by Obama officials including Biden about what they knew and when they knew it, which would be a welcome change to their previous one-sided coverage:
Read the BIG print in @washingtonpost for the past 3 years @GlennKesslerWP & at least wince or blush. If you can't apologize, at least get a grip. Your paper incessantly accused a campaign I managed of colluding with Russia to win. Time to "fact-check" the Obama-Biden crew. https://t.co/syPQMC9lN0
— Kellyanne Conway (@KellyannePolls) May 13, 2020
Predictably, Kessler appeared to ignore Conway’s comeback, and instead retweeted liberally biased hot takes from Mother Jones “reporters” like this one …
the president is above the law and can do whatever he wants if he believes it's in his interest, and also obamagate
— Tim Murphy (@timothypmurphy) May 13, 2020
… while later continuing to downplay the story by promoting other left wing writers and their work at downplaying it:
Once again, @emptywheel answers a question I was wondering: given the dates, most of these names are irrelevant to the Flynn calls. https://t.co/Tty6TtSwDz
— Glenn Kessler (@GlennKesslerWP) May 13, 2020
This, unfortunately, is par for the course the supposedly “objective” fact checker, who frequently retweets left wing sources as factual without questioning/analyzing their claims first.
Serious question: Are there any legitimately objective, non-partisan fact checkers left out there? I sure can’t find any.
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