Liberal comedian Bill Maher addressed Tara Reade’s sexual assault allegations against 2020 presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden on his “Real Time” program Friday night.
During the segment, Maher dismissed Reade’s claims, first by playing the Whataboutism game and then insinuating they were too conveniently timed even if true. He then urged Democrats to move on from Reade because Joe Biden was their last hope for ousting President Trump from the White House:
“And it leaves us with a world where Republicans don’t care about this stuff, so it’s just a unilateral weapon that is used only against Democrats. Trump rides the bus with Billy Bush, we throw Al Franken under it.”
Maher questioned why Reade had decided to come forward only at this very moment and not earlier during the primary process, and also brought up her now-deleted blog posts offering effusive praise to Russian autocrat Vladimir Putin.
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but America has turned into a failed state that does a worse job keeping its citizens alive during a pandemic than Cambodia. And to me, that’s a little more important than Tara Reade achieving closure,” he said.
Maher’s smug mansplaining as to why Democrats shouldn’t take Reade seriously did not sit well with prominent #MeToo activist and Hollywood actress Rose McGowan, who utterly emasculated Maher in a tweet alleging he propositioned her during a commercial break on his show in the late 1990s:
@BillMaher Here’s a memory I’d like to share with you. I bet you don’t remember, but I sure do. I was so excited to be on your show & get to flex my mind instead of my face. Here’s what happened. All I can say, Bill, you got the face you deserved. pic.twitter.com/RRIorKj258
— rose mcgowan (@rosemcgowan) May 9, 2020
McGowan, who has gone on record as stating she believes Reade’s allegation that Joe Biden raped her in 1993 when she worked in his Senate office, has also blasted the media’s hypocrisy on covering Reade’s claims.
She’s also been an outspoken critic of fellow actress Alyssa Milano’s politically convenient positions on the #MeToo movement in light of the claims against Biden. Milano supports Biden’s candidacy, and calls him a “friend.”
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