In her decades of serving as a California congresswoman, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA-43) has said many outrageous and deliberately inflammatory things with little to no pushback from the mainstream press. The few Republicans who do dare to challenge her are often branded as “racists” who can’t handle a woman of color who speaks her mind.
While that’s not true, nevertheless the rebukes from her political opposition are few and far in between – with one notable exception being when she encouraged her fellow unhinged anti-Trump Resistance™ liberals in the summer of 2018 to stalk, confront, and harass Republicans no matter where they saw them:
"If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a dept. store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. You push back on them. Tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere!" – Rep. Maxine Waters (D), 6/24/18 https://t.co/XKblEpVqdL #ViolentRhetoric
— Sister Toldjah 😁 (@sistertoldjah) October 25, 2018
Though Waters, an ally of the anti-Semitic Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan, has taken a few victory laps in recent weeks after the renewed push from House Democrats to impeach President Trump gained momentum, one Republican who has made it clear he will not back down from her grandstanding nonsense is HUD Secretary Ben Carson.
Carson is no doubt fully aware of how Waters pledged in 2017 “to take his a– apart”, stating that Carson “doesn’t care about people in public housing.” So it is perhaps with that and other Waters criticisms in mind that he wrote a letter to her Monday blasting her over one she wrote to President Trump in late October in which she blamed Trump for the homeless crisis in California, including her district.
Politico obtained a copy of Carson’s letter, which shows how he took specific aim at the fact that Waters is a career politician who has done little in 30 years to help the large homeless population in her own Congressional district:
“My mother always taught me that people shouldn’t throw rocks, especially while they live in a glass house,” Carson wrote, according to a copy of the letter obtained by POLITICO. “Because of that wise lesson, I was a little surprised to read your hostile letter to President Trump regarding the record number of homeless Americans in California, particularly in your district.”
Carson threw the [“shameless”] charge back at her today in his response: “Shamelessness is a career politician of 30 years laying blame,” he wrote.
“Shamelessness is allowing more than 55,000 Americans to live on the very streets they represent,” Carson added, referring to the homeless population of Los Angeles city and county.
“To me, the most compassionate, obvious, and logical solution would be to get as many homeless Americans off the streets — with a roof over their heads — as soon as humanly possible,” he said.
“I have sent multiple letters to your office and requested numerous meetings, but each time you’ve refused,” Carson wrote. “Basic manners elude you and it seems that instead of producing results, you’re more interested in producing cheap headlines at the President’s expense — like a true career politician.”
I have been following politics about as long as Waters has repped in Congress and I have never seen anyone deliver such an on point smackdown of her as Carson did in that letter. Questioning Waters on why her district is in such bad shape even after decades of her representation is not something you’ll see many Republicans do openly, but Carson did.
— Based in North Carolina, Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 16+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter. –
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