Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., listens during a House Financial Services Committee hearing with leaders of major banks, Wednesday, April 10, 2019, on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)
If there’s one thing NY Times columnist and Never Trumper Bret Stephens did right this week, it was accidentally uniting many on the left and right against his over-the-top reaction to being called a “bedbug” by George Washington University associate professor Dave Karpf. The professor tweeted out the mild insult in response to a Monday report about bedbugs being discovered in the Times’ newsroom.
If there’s one thing Squad leader and freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) accidentally did right this week in turn, it was to reaffirm her own pettiness and thin-skinned nature in response to even milder criticisms.
AOC’s involvement in the Bret Stephens drama happened on Tuesday, the day after Karpf noted that Stephens had emailed him and cc’d his university provost over the metaphorical bedbug insult. To briefly recap, here’s what Karpf tweeted that started it all and how Stephens responded:
The bedbugs are a metaphor. The bedbugs are Bret Stephens. https://t.co/k4qo6QzIBW
— dave karpf (@davekarpf) August 26, 2019
Alright fine… here is the email: pic.twitter.com/A4E5I6CoB6
— dave karpf (@davekarpf) August 27, 2019
Ocasio-Cortez weighed in by chiding Stephens for his overreaction, suggesting the insult was harmless, and insinuating that the columnist – who has argued against snowflake culture in the past – was a snowflake himself as well as a defender of “vile language”:
(For real though, it is pretty concerning that this guy abused his position to try to get someone fired over something so insignificant – esp after creating a career defending vile language as a sacred freedom & deriding people organizing for basic human dignity as “snowflakes.”)
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) August 28, 2019
Two days later, AOC responded to a First Amendment group’s request that she stop blocking Twitter users over disagreement:
1. I have 5.2 million followers. Less than 20 accounts are blocked for ongoing harassment. 0 are my constituents.
2. Harassment is not a viewpoint. Some accounts, like the Daily Caller, posted fake nude photos of me & abused my comments to spread it. No one is entitled to abuse. https://t.co/0QWKqJFzRe
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) August 29, 2019
Conservative talk show host Laura Ingraham chimed in with a grammar correction for the Congresswoman:
“Fewer” than 20 accounts…. https://t.co/5jmxfq2CPQ
— Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) August 29, 2019
Pretty tame in the scheme of things, right? Not to AOC:
See? You’re a neo-Nazi fan favorite and I don’t block you for defending white supremacist viewpoints and mocking gun violence survivors. https://t.co/007audZvgj
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) August 30, 2019
Remember: Just two days before, she basically called Stephens a “vile language”-defending snowflake for overreacting to an “insignificant” bedbug insult.
Twitter users had some thoughts:
She corrects your grammar and you jump right to Nazis. Yikes. https://t.co/zGZ9m4iGZw
— Kassy Dillon (@KassyDillon) August 30, 2019
I'm interested to know how we got from point A to point B, when someone correcting a person's grammar makes them a "neo-nazi fan favorite."
How exactly did we get here? pic.twitter.com/xiiLdiRf7q
— Fawning Girl (@FawningGirl) August 31, 2019
And to think she called out Bret Stephens for how offended he was by being called a bedbug
— JSchottSports (@SchottSports) August 30, 2019
AOC logic: requesting a debate – sexist; correcting her grammar – Nazism.
— Jon A (@Latebird2013) August 30, 2019
You call Laura Ingraham a white supremacist; but what do you tell her adopted daughter from Guatemala?
— Tristan Logan (@TristanloganT) August 30, 2019
Facts don’t care about AOC’s feelings, of course, but unfortunately AOC doesn’t care about the facts. Sigh.
Related –>> AOC’s swipe at Bret Stephens’ ‘bedbug’ tantrum would be a lot funnier if she weren’t a colossal hypocrite
— Based in North Carolina, Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter. –
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