Democratic presidential candidate and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) at the Ali Center in Louisville, KY – 8/25/19. Screen grab via Reddit user cmplxgal.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) held a rally in Louisville, KY on Sunday at the Muhammad Ali Center where his main focus was to attack Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) in his own backyard.
The Louisville Courier-Journal reported on the rally and what Sanders said to fire up the crowd of around 2,000:
Sanders, fighting to be the Democratic nominee in 2020, accused McConnell of blocking important legislation in the U.S. Senate at the behest of corporate interests and detriment of the working class.
“I say to Mitch McConnell: Please stand with the working people in Kentucky and America, not your wealthy campaign contributors,” Sanders said.
Sanders told the crowd that McConnell was obstructing legislation recently passed by the U.S. House that would raise the federal minimum wage to $15, expand background checks on gun purchases and strengthen the country’s election security from foreign attacks.
McConnell has the right to vote against those bills and explain such opposition to his constituents, but he lacks the right to “stop democracy in the United States Senate,” the Vermont senator said.
As it turns out, McConnell wasn’t Sanders’s only target. Since the 2020 presidential candidate was at the Ali Center, sometime before or after his speech, he took a few swings at a speed bag, according to video posted by Reddit user cmplxgal on Monday.
I couldn’t embed the video, but multiple Twitter users posted an abbreviated, soundless clip of Sanders punching – and then the bag punching him back:
The relationship between cause and effect has always been difficult for socialists to grasp pic.twitter.com/M5qcJYsa8h
— The Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) August 27, 2019
The video appears to be authentic, and was filmed sometime during the course of an interview with Vice News:
A little behind the scenes for our @vicenews shoot: in the Muhammad Ali Center, @BernieSanders took a few jabs at the speed bag, joking to his staff that he may need to get one to get out “my damn aggression” pic.twitter.com/GRLo6xzO0K
— Elizabeth Landers (@ElizLanders) August 25, 2019
Needless to say, the jokes have already started:
Taking just one more swing at "real" socialismpic.twitter.com/UqheAjfOD3
— Young Americans vs. Socialism (@YAAS_America) August 27, 2019
Me, drunk attacking my fridge at 3am because my roommate ate all of the pizza rollspic.twitter.com/h6gvoU9mQb
— Old Row (@OldRowOfficial) August 27, 2019
I don't think Bernie has a firm grasp on physics. He was going for a knockout punch when the bag came back and whacked him in the face.
— Atty. Francis Lloyd Holland (@ColorArousal) August 27, 2019
Bernie takes hits from punching bags like he does with primary returns. Send tweet. pic.twitter.com/b0XcB3hEjm
— WPA Intelligence (@WPAIntel) August 27, 2019
“Every once in a while a video comes along that you didn’t know you needed to see but once you see it you realize you SO needed to see it. This video of Bernie Sanders trying to punch a punching bag is just such a video …” https://t.co/UDL7PRWEvP
— Rebecca Randolph (@BeccaLeigh1116) August 27, 2019
I’m anxiously awaiting reactions to this video from Sen. Ted Cruz, Rep. Dan Crenshaw and/or President Trump. Should be epic.
— Based in North Carolina, Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter. –
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