In response to the fetal heartbeat bills that were recently signed into law in Georgia and Alabama, liberal women rallied across the country on Tuesday in support of the right to terminate the life an unborn child.
One of the biggest “Stop the Bans” rallies was at the United States Supreme Court. A number of Democratic politicians and other public figures spoke, including Sen. Mazie Hirono (HI), who took the opportunity to disturbingly brag about how she indoctrinated young 8th graders in Hawaii on abortion rights just before the rally.
Here’s what she said (transcribed):
“I just left seventy 8th graders from a public school in Hawaii, and I told them that I was coming to a rally in front of the Supreme Court. And they said ‘Why?’ I said it’s because we are – we have to fight for abortion rights and they knew all about it.”
Hirono went on to say that she asked the girls in the group about abortion rights. “And I asked the girls in that group of 8th graders: how many of you girls think that government should be telling us women when and if we want to have babies, not a single one of them raised their hand.” The crowd of adults listening to Hirono erupted into applause and cheers.
But she didn’t want the boys to feel left out of the conversation. “And then the boys who were there among the sixty – I told them, you know, it’s kind of hard for a woman to get pregnant without you guys. They got it,” she said to chuckles.
“How many of you boys think that government should be telling girls and women when and if we’re gonna to have babies? And not a single one of them raised their hand,” Hirono noted as the crowd applauded.
Watch this part of her speech below:
Here is @maziehirono at the #StopTheBans rally, saying she just told a bunch of 8th grade girls that their abortion rights are under attack. pic.twitter.com/PoaLWD1BaU
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) May 21, 2019
This is 50 shades of inappropriate, so much so that it’s hard to know where to start.
Where was she when she talked to the 8th graders? Was she giving a speech in the school? Were the students attending an event off of school premises where she made these remarks?
Did parents get to sign permission slips in advance okaying their children to sit through a lecture on sex education and abortion rights from an elected official in a public school setting?
Should a captive audience of 8th graders who are just going along with what the Senator said about abortion rights be dictating public policy? Hirono seems to think so.
This is the definition of disgusting and unhinged, and she should be called out on it by the mainstream media. But she won’t because the mainstream media largely agrees with abortion rights supporters like Hirono and view her outspoken nature on the issue as heroic and necessary.
So in a nutshell, children who have been told to believe in the right to abort children are the children of the future or something, because Democratic Senators like Mazie Hirono said so.
We are doomed.
—Based in North Carolina, Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter.–
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