As if abortion rights advocates couldn’t dehumanize unborn children enough in their crusade to “save” abortion rights, their latest spin/talking point on various fetal heartbeat bills across the country just goes to show what absolute ghouls some of them are.
Case in point: Actress/activist Alyssa Milano, who has become Hollywood’s mouthpiece on the issue of abortion (and sex strikes, of course). Milano, upset over irrefutable biological facts about when fetal heartbeats begin, took to the Twitter machine yesterday in an attempt to “correct” Republicans and pro-lifers on the matter:
Dear Press, stop calling them “heartbeat” bills and call them “fetal pole cardiac activity” bills https://t.co/PVDTr6pLd0
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) May 15, 2019
Not only is she just flat out wrong, but her heroines at Planned Parenthood even note on their own website when fetal heartbeats begin:

Note to Planned Parenthood: @Alyssa_Milano says you need to update your website that says, "What happens during week 5 – 6?… A very basic beating heart and circulatory system develop."https://t.co/KTPZii5b2Phttps://t.co/5YdmnTPCjO pic.twitter.com/wEsAT5DjHW
— jerylbier (@JerylBier) May 15, 2019
Don’t look for any updates or corrections from Milano on this, nor from any other unhinged pro-choice activist anytime soon, if at all. They are willing to say and do just about anything in order to advance their cause, including using their own children to justify their abortion position:
This is my daughter. Her rights are human rights. #WomensRightsAreHumanRights pic.twitter.com/CHWeyfr4tM
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) May 15, 2019
Wow. I have no words.
—Based in North Carolina, Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter.–
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