It was another banner day at CNN yesterday on the issue of promoting campaign trail wokeness for privileged straight white male Democratic candidates for president.
Anchor Brooke Baldwin began the segment talking about a piece published at the Daily Beast Wednesday by Democratic strategist Alexis Grennell. In the piece, Grennell argues that Beto O’Rourke, Bernie Sanders, and presumed candidate Joe Biden should get out of the way because they’re distracting from “qualified” female candidates:
Bernie Sanders announced his 2020 campaign for president the same day Elizabeth Warren released her plan for subsidized childcare and I nearly had an aneurysm.
Warren already had a toddler when she entered law school before becoming pregnant with her second child, and going on to innovate the field of bankruptcy law that led to an entirely new federal agency, and eventually her bid for Senate. Instead of talking about that astounding feat and how it inspired her policies, Bernie hurled a bomb into the news cycle and my eyeballs are still bleeding.
But I completely lost it when Beto O’Rourke launched a video about why he’s also running for president featuring his smiling, voiceless, Stepford-esque—at least in that video—wife.
There are four highly qualified women running in the Democratic primary—across a range of ideologies and experience—but an influx of men have entered the mix without offering a clear rationale for themselves beyond that they can and want to run.
Trust me when I say this man-hating woman gives “shrieking harpy” a whole new meaning. Watch the video below where she talks about her aversion to white male Democratic candidates:
.@agrenell: "To the White Men Running to Be the Democratic Presidential Candidate: Can You Not?" She dishes on gender and politics here: #CNN pic.twitter.com/2OmojQ4Zh1
— Brooke Baldwin (@BrookeBCNN) March 20, 2019
Baldwin started off the interview with Grennell in a style reminiscent of two girlfriends meeting for brunch to commiserate over shared grievances (bolded emphasis added):
BALDWIN: You were on fire on this piece in “The Daily Beast”. So I was like, I need to talk to this girl today. So you so much for coming over to CNN. The way you start the whole thing talking about Sanders announcing his campaign on the same day Elizabeth Warren released her plan for subsidized child care, that’s when you were like, can you not?
Baldwin next talks to Grennell about a similar piece she she read over at the Washington Post. But take a look at her wording (bolded emphasis added):
BALDWIN: So in all these guys — and we were talking about Margaret Tilden over at “The Washington Post” with this great piece this morning too. She calls them the “B” boys, Beto, Biden and Bernie. And you also get into Beto who, you know, there are all kinds of discussions we could have on why so many people seem to be obsessed. But he did recently recognize and almost apologize for his white male privilege.
So we learn here that Baldwin thinks Grennell’s piece “too” is great, and that she believes Beto enjoys “white male privilege.” The message is clear: Slay, queen, slay!
But where Grennell herself trips up is in how she describes Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who she voted for in 2016. Again, bolded emphasis added by me:
GRENELL: I’m over it. I’m over them all. In the point is, what they can really be doing is putting their resources behind these women. With Bernie for instance — again, who I voted for proudly and I think had made really important moves in 2016. I don’t understand why he was running now when Elizabeth Warren, who’s his ideological twin, could really benefit from his support, his money, his movements.
In other words, she’s basically contradicted her own position. She initially said these white guys have jumped into the race and have not given a clear rationale why they should be running. But in the next breath she says Sanders and Warren are “ideological twins”, so she knows his rationale already. Plus: Bernie, would you do the socialistic thing share your campaign wealth with Liz Warren?
It’s comical, really. This interview served no real purpose outside of demonstrating their apparent need for some “girl powah!” high-fiving and finger-pointing over superficial issues that, in reality, don’t matter to most people.
But The Privilege of the Sisterhood™ and stuff.
—Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter.–
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