In light of the full scale assault launched on Fox News‘s Tucker Carlson last week by the well-funded left wing shills at Media Matters, I thought today would be a good day to revisit another group that operates in the same vein:
The Southern Poverty Law Center.
The SPLC is treated by the mainstream media as a credible, authoritative, non-partisan advocacy organization that exposes hate groups across America. But in recent years, their fundraising activities and hate labels have come under scrutiny from conservatives who see them as more of a front group for liberals to use as a shutuppery tool.
National Review‘s Kyle Smith explained last year:
The SPLC can no longer be fairly termed a nonpartisan watchdog group. It has become a hate group itself. Actual political violence is of no interest to it unless it can be deployed in service of the SPLC’s thinly veiled campaign to damage the Right. Bafflement ensued when, in 2012, National Review’s Charles C. W. Cooke called up the SPLC to ask whether the outfit was adding Occupy Wall Street to the list of hate groups it tracks after three anarchists linked to the movement were caught plotting to blow up a bridge in Cleveland (all three later pleaded guilty). An SPLC flack explained that his group “only tracks those who commit violence or who seek to destroy whole systems in the name of an ideology.” Since this was exactly what the Occupy fanatics were up to, Cooke was puzzled. “They were anarchists,” the spokesman told Cooke. Yeah. So?
Well, the spokesman added sheepishly, “We’re not really set up to cover the extreme Left.”
Over the weekend, author and investigative TV journalist John Stossel tweeted out a video that was originally published in January 2018 in which he described in detail how the SPLC “is a money-grabbing slander machine.” He wrote about it as well:
[Morris] Dees, SPLC’s co-founder, promised to stop fundraising once his endowment hit $55 million. But when he reached $55 million, he upped the bar to $100 million, saying that would allow them “to cease costly fundraising.”
But again, when they reached $100 million, they didn’t stop. Now they have $320 million — a large chunk of which is kept in offshore accounts. Really. It’s on their tax forms.
In return for those donations to SPLC, the world gets a group that now lists people like Ben Carson and Fox commentators Laura Ingraham, Judge Andrew Napolitano and Jeanine Pirro as extremists — but doesn’t list the leftist militant hate groups known as Antifa.
SPLC is now a hate group itself. It’s a money-grabbing slander machine.
Watch the video below, and remember – Media Matters and the SPLC are just two of many well-funded liberal outfits whose purpose is to shut down conservative viewpoints.
The Southern Poverty Law Center claims it protects us from ”hate groups". But it's a scam… a money grabbing slander machine: pic.twitter.com/sw17GmdNXl
— John Stossel (@JohnStossel) March 17, 2019
Co-founder Dees, by the way, was fired from the SPLC last week over unspecified misconduct. Per the LA Times:
A letter signed by about two dozen employees — and sent to management and the board of directors before news broke of Dees’ firing — said they were concerned that internal “allegations of mistreatment, sexual harassment, gender discrimination, and racism threaten the moral authority of this organization and our integrity along with it.”
Karma. It’s that thing that rhymes with “witch.”
—Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter.–
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