The war on MAGA hat wearers rages on.
A senior at Clovis North High School in Fresno is pushing back after the school district told her wearing MAGA hats on school property is not allowed.
KGPE-TV reports:
Clovis North senior Maddie Mueller doesn’t shy away from sharing her political views or wardrobe. She is a member of the “Valley Patriots.” The group asked their members to wear their maga hats on February 20th. Maddie was told she couldn’t on campus, so she asked if she could wear any Trump hat with school colors on it, she says she was told no, citing the dress code.
“To my knowledge Trump is not a logo it’s a last name, it’s just our President, you can’t claim the President is a logo, sports team or affiliated with any gang.”
In an interview with the Fresno Bee during a Trump border wall rally last week, Mueller – who is 18 – described herself as a “vocal Republican.”
As to whether or not the school district’s decision was legal, again via KGPE-TV:
Former federal district judge Oliver Wanger says the student’s first amendment right is being stripped but the district may have the right to do so.
“If the hat is something that could invoke violence or invoke controversy, then for the sake of the safety for students the school is in their legal right.”
Watch the CBS News report on this below:
Comments on her Facebook page indicate she’s getting a lot of support:
A Clovis Unified School District spokesperson told Fox News in a statement that this situation is “being misrepresented” by the media:
“It’s unfortunate that our dress code is being misrepresented as specifically singling out a MAGA hat as that is not what the policy says,” Chief Communication Officer Kelly Avants said.
The district’s decades-old dress code has general guidelines on what students are permitted to wear that helps to foster “a learning environment free from distraction and that promotes a safe and welcoming environment on campus,” Avants claimed.
“The district dress code allows for students to wear shirts or other clothing with a wide variety of sayings and/or political commentary. Unless causing an actual disruption on campus, MAGA apparel is acceptable, and this has been shared with the student,” she said.
In other words, this is about “safe spaces”, y’all. We don’t want liberals getting fauxfended over someone else’s political opinions or anything.
I can’t possibly imagine where a school district would get the idea that other students would think it’s ok to target and harass another student based on the color of their hat, can you? Welcome, once again, to the MAGA hat shame game.
Maddie told local news outlets that she hopes to one day become Congresswoman Mueller.
Watch out, world.
—Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter.–
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