At some point, there has to be a critical mass where the collection of idiotic actions, nefarious actions, and illegal actions in the execution of a “vote by mail” process combine and lead to the inescapable conclusion that “This is no way to run a railroad.”
Many Franklin County (Ohio) voters receive wrong absentee ballots in mail; no fix is ready yet: Voters who received ballots by mail — as many as 250,000 in Franklin County alone — received the wrong ballots for their location. Some had the wrong Congressional race. Franklin County is the home of Ohio’s capitol — Columbus. The population is estimated at approximately 1.3 million. So some huge percentage of registered voters – a subset of the total population – may have received inaccurate ballots in the mail. I’m sure that won’t cause any confusion.
They are going to “fix” the problem by mailing NEW ballots to all those affected. So now there will be more than one ballot for some number of registered voters. Again, what a system.
Feds Charge NJ Postal Carrier With Dumping Election Ballots:
Nicholas Beauchene, 26, was nabbed by special agents of the U.S. Postal Service’s Office of Inspector General after a Saddle Brook man reported finding dumped bundles of mail in a dumpster behind a North Arlington bank. Beauchene tossed 1,875 pieces of mail – including 99 general election ballots destined for residents in West Orange….
In large measure, the integrity of a “mail-in” election depends on the integrity of a guy/gal in a truck driving from one place to another with huge sacks of envelopes in the back. Now extrapolate that circumstance in an exponential fashion, and you get a picture of the “ballot carrying” system for delivery of the voters’ choices to state election officials.
Change the facts to be that what was dumped were cast ballots destined for election officials, and not blank ballots headed for residents. “The mail was recovered from the trash receptacle and has been put back in the mail stream.” How would that work say — 5 days after election day?
Maybe I need to go back and revisit the publicly stated views on the candidates and the election expressed by the various labor unions representing postal workers.
American Postal Workers Union endorses Joe Biden:
The White House and the Treasury Department are advancing their plans to sacrifice the Postal Service on the altar of private profit, using the crisis of the pandemic to carry out their destructive policies. President Trump has labeled the public Postal Service “a joke”, an insult to every postal worker and customer. In addition, President Trump’s policies are hostile to unions and workers’ rights, oppose living wages and a healthy environment, undermine Veteran benefits, threaten the vital programs of Social Security and Medicare and openly incite dangerous racial, ethnic and religious bigotry and division when the working class needs unity and solidarity more than ever to advance our common interests.
Other than that….
The APWU represents approximately 230,000 employees of the Postal Service who do not deliver the mail to street addresses. These are the workers at the mail sorting facilities and the Post Offices around the country who will be responsible for getting millions of ballots from “Point A” to “Point B” on a specific schedule.
National Postal Mail Handler’s Union endorses Joe Biden.
Over the past four years, NPMHU members have faced direct threats on their livelihood from the Trump Administration. We saw a White House Postal Task Force that attacked postal labor, recommended taking away our collective bargaining rights and increasing the cost of our retirement benefits. The Task Force also made efforts to undermine the Postal Service itself, calling for moving away from a six-day delivery; expanding third-party partnership, which could lead to privatization; and, increasing postal rates, pricing customers out of the market. President Trump further attacked the Postal Service in the media, calling it a “joke.”
The National Association of Letter Carriers endorses Joe Biden.
Vice President Biden is – was – and will continue to be – a fierce ally and defender of the United States Postal Service (USPS), letter carriers, and our fellow postal brothers and sisters. NALC’s endorsement and our support come down to Joe’s steadfast support of us and his unwavering dedication to improving the lives of all working people throughout this great nation.
….Senator Kamala Harris has put letter carriers and working families first…. [She] has consistently acted to ensure that those who are nominated to run the Postal Service are held to the highest standard.
…. The decision is also partly informed by what we have seen from the current administration … [T]he White House Postal Task Force report called for the revocation of collective bargaining rights by America’s postal unions, massive cuts to services, and the potential privatization of the agency.
…. This pandemic threatens the very survival of USPS. Yet, while postal employees are on the front lines providing essential services to the public every day, the current administration refuses to provide the necessary financial relief that would strengthen the agency during this pandemic.
The latter two unions represent nearly 400,000 postal workers combined.
There is no hiding the “fact” that mail-in ballots originating from certain zip codes will tend to favor one party or the other, while ballots from another zip code will skew the opposite direction. Projecting election results is almost always accomplished by statistical analysis of specific precinct returns in specific areas known by historical trends to “signal” a likely outcome when all votes are tallied.
The easiest example of this is the early determination of the percentage of African-American votes won by a Democrat candidate in precincts that are comprised almost entirely of African-American voters where historical trends show Democrat candidates getting 90% or more of the vote. When Hillary Clinton underperformed Barack Obama in urban Milwaukee precincts, and overall vote totals were down from 2012, the Democrats knew she was at risk of losing Wisconsin — and she did.
Those precinct totals are known on election night, but if total votes are off by 30% or more due to the use of mail-in ballots, the ability to project an outcome from precinct numbers is lost. There will be no way to know how many mail-in ballots there actually are — or should be. Add to that the political efforts being made to extend the time in which mail-in ballots can arrive, and the determinations made by state-level officials that postmarks might not even be needed to show the ballot was mailed on or before election day, and you are left 100% with the personal integrity of the individuals who move the ballots from the “voter” to the tabulating location.
But, liberals are set to COMPLAIN about an adjustment to DOJ policy that was announced last Friday when it comes to criminal activity discovered in connection with postal activities and “vote by mail” processes.
From today’s NYT:
A Justice Department … memo to prosecutors on Friday …. could investigate suspicions of election fraud before votes are tabulated. That reversed a decades-long policy that largely forbade aggressively conducting such inquiries during campaigns to keep their existence from becoming public and possibly “chilling legitimate voting and campaign activities” or “interjecting the investigation itself as an issue” for voters.
The memo creates “an exception to the general non-interference with elections policy” for suspicions of election fraud, particularly misconduct by federal government workers, including postal workers or military employees; both groups transport mail-in ballots. The exception allows investigators to take overt investigative steps, like questioning witnesses, that were previously off limits in such inquiries until after election results were certified.
The new guidance stoked fears that Mr. Trump’s political appointees, led by Mr. Barr, were wielding the power of the Justice Department to help his re-election bid. Democrats, civil rights lawyers and former department officials from Republican and Democratic administrations have been on alert this year for unusual political moves by the department in service of the president’s relentless — and false — claims that the United States’ election system is being undermined by pervasive fraud.
The Justice Department could “build a narrative, despite the absence of any evidence, of fraud in mail-in voting so Trump can challenge the election results if he loses,” said Joyce Vance, a former U.S. attorney in Alabama under the Obama administration.
So the Democrats are going to complain if the DOJ takes actions to PRESERVE the integrity of the voting process by interdicting potential criminal conduct by federal works in the Postal Service, Department of Defense, or any other federal department. Basically, the Democrats want the federal bureaucracy to be “insulated” from anyone looking too closely at their actions to the extent they play a role in the processes of the election — at least not before the results are “certified” — regardless of whether or not pervasive fraud played a part in the outcome.
Yes — there are hundreds of thousands of postal employees and just like the “Police”, the overwhelming majority are honest, hard-working folks.
But if it only takes a few bad apples to call for the “defunding” of “policing” all across the country, what do we say about the integrity of an election process that is carried on the backs of people like this? It doesn’t take hundreds of them to forever taint an election’s outcome.
Former Mail Carrier Pleads Guilty to Dumping 15,000 Pieces of Mail in DC Sewer
A postal worker rented a storage unit to hide mail because he felt ‘pressured’ to deliver it.
‘Overwhelmed’ Postal Carrier Hoarded 17,000 Pieces of Mail, Officials Say
CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Postal worker fired after dumping mail into Long View dumpster
Milwaukee postal worker fired for throwing mail in dumpster
I stopped looking for these links after 5 minutes. There are dozens and dozens more episodes just like them.
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