I’ll admit it. I have been a bit of a Nigel Farage fangirl for a while now. During the Brexit movement, Farage stood out to me as to what I felt conservatives should be here in the United States. Beyond style, Farage always remained factual, level-headed, and displayed his capability to shut down the liberals in a way that just left them speechless. Despite numerous attacks which time and time again ended in the determination of Farage’s innocence, Farage never backed down from his convictions, which is among the highest of reasons why I hold him in such high regard.
Among the things I have found loveable about Farage (and something he has in common with Bret Kavanaugh) is his love for beer. As a result, I have long held the desire to “have a pint” with Nigel Farage. I have never previously been anywhere near the man, so I had never had the opportunity to fulfill that dream… That is, until CPAC 2022.
This year, the folks at Townhall were good enough to set up a media booth of which I had promised to take full advantage should one be provided. When I arrived at CPAC on Thursday, I made my way around the convention hall to attempt to set up numerous interviews for the following day. As I approached the top of the escalator heading to the other side of media row, I finally saw him… Nigel Farage. He was being interviewed by someone else, so I stood by quietly to wait for my turn.
When he had finished the interview, I approached and began my, albeit unconventional, request for an interview.
“Mr. Farage, I am here to cover CPAC for RedState and would like to get an interview with you. I would rather forgo that, if it meant that I could buy you a pint.” In his graciousness, he said he would love that but did not have the time at the present to do that; however, he would grant me an interview the following day. I presented him (and his handler) the details of the location of the Townhall booth, and was told the following morning he would be down there and grant me my interview.
The next morning came and went without a sign of Nigel Farage. Disappointed but still understanding, I spent the next two days searching high and low for him — until Saturday, when he showed up at the media booth next to us for an interview. Again, I requested an interview, which his handler remembered but told us that he had a full schedule and was unable to grant us the interview that day. Again disappointed and understanding, I watched as my hopes for an interview with Farage slip away, as well as my ultimate goal: to have a pint with Nigel Farage.
As CPAC 2022 wrapped up Sunday, RedState’s Kate Paul Dillon and I had set up camp poolside, to enjoy the last few hours of Florida sun and freedom, as well as my favorite sport of people-watching. It was then that the unexpected happened. Who walks by and sets up to tan on the chairs next to us that NIGEL FARAGE!
Nigel recognized me and apologized for his inability to get an interview with me during CPAC, but again, thanked me profusely for the kind things I had said about him. We talked briefly, and I thanked him for all he had done for the people of Britain, as well as the example he had set for conservatives internationally. Ultimately, I knew he wasn’t there to talk to me, and I let him get on with his plans to relax in his final few hours in Florida, as well.
As Farage napped a few feet away, I wanted so bad to buy him that pint; however, I also wanted to respect his space and relaxation. It was after a few minutes I thought that buying the man a beer without any expectations would in no way ruin his relaxation; in fact, it may enhance it. After whispering to Farage’s assistant (to clarify his beer preferences) I walked over to the bar, secured the beer, and returned to the spot I had previously found the mastermind of the Brexit Movement.
In my absence two people, had awoken him to share their wishes, allowing me to complete the goal I had set so long ago. Nigel was overwhelmingly gracious about the matter and accepted the beer, and I returned to my spot next to Kate to gloat in my victory. I began drafting a tweet, announcing my success, when I stepped back over to Nigel to tell him just how much he had made my day.
“Would a tweet about the matter would be good without a photograph?” Farage said. After putting back on our shirts, and with Farage hoisting the victory beer towards the camera, I proudly announced that I had always wanted to have a pint with Nigel Farage.

Nigel began laughing. “You mean like the song?” he questioned.
“What song?” I responded.
Nigel then insisted that I wait and listen to the song written and performed by British comedian, Dominic Frisby. The song, entitled “I’m Secretly In Love With Nigel Farage,” had several moments where Nigel and I were laughing hysterically and hanging all over one another.
After a few minutes of laughs and a firm handshake, I again returned to my chair next to Kate.
Kate, who was grinning from ear to ear, chuckled then said, “Did you just form a bromance with Nigel Farage?”
“I DID!!” I proudly shouted back.
Nigel was as personable as you would expect him to be, and 100 times more gracious. While I didn’t get my interview, I am more than happy with my experience and know that it will be a great introduction to any future opportunities I may have to interview him.
Just now, I know I always have to story to share and another great intro: Let me tell you about the time I bought a pint for Nigel Farage.
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