Bloomberg claimed that 95 percent of murders fall into a specific category: male, minority and between the ages of 15 and 25. Cities need to get guns out of this group’s hands and keep them alive, he said. “These kids think they’re going to get killed anyway because all their friends are getting killed,” Bloomberg said. “They just don’t have any long-term focus or anything. It’s a joke to have a gun. It’s a joke to pull a trigger.”
The fundamental reason that The United States of America will die one day, and that death will be an ugly thing of agony; is that everything under the sun gets converted to a stupid and pointless argument over race. Believe it or not, 2nd Amendment issues are no different. The argument against Gun Control, to me, is the same argument that Abolitionists waged over chattel slavery. Who owns who? Do the citizens charter and employ a government, or do the subjects and slaves obey that government or else? Are we free men or are we property of the state?
But no, as Fred Reed informs us, that isn’t all that drives gun control arguments. You see a lot of rural people like to keep their guns because when seconds count; the police are 30 minutes to an hour away and they are afraid of black people. Urban residents, on the other hand, can have an armed police cruiser in the neighborhood relatively quickly. They want all guns not wielded by those armed police officers off the street because they are afraid of black people. I haven’t fired a live round in years and am more afraid of myself armed with a gun than I would be of most armed African Americans. That notwithstanding, I come down on the pro 2nd Amendment side of things for reasons not related to racial relations.
I’m like every other American Male in a certain age cohort. I was legally required to register at the Post Office in case the USG ever needed to install a military draft. I’m on file somewhere in case the all the able-bodied men are KIA’d first. They can send me off to wherever to kill whomever, and there really isn’t a whole lot I can legally say otherwise. So I naturally rankle at being told I can’t own a firearm.
I can darn well sign for one and discharge it in homicidal violence whenever my government tells me I will. At present, I’m not even in the market for hand-held lethal assistance. It just smacks of the slaver’s shackles to be registered for a military draft and then not be trusted enough to own the key implement for fulfilling that particular obligation.
But back to Mike Bloomberg. The patronization and contempt for the people he’s here to care about is just breathtaking. What he’s describing in his quote above are the reasons why I won’t let my eight year old have anything more vicious than a Nerf Rifle. Men aged 16 to 25 can get married, drive cars, have legal property and hold custody of children in most states. Men aged 18 or older can kill and die with that American Flag Patch on the shoulder of their BDU Blouse. Men aged 21 or older can legally drink whatever strikes their fancy.
If Mayor Mike doesn’t believe they can be trusted with a Smith and Wesson, perhaps it’s time to revisit a whole bunch of other stuff on the list above. We could save our social welfare agencies a whole ton of money making them all wear chastity belts until their nuts pop. Maybe we could just commission Michelle Obama to add a little special sauce to their mandated school lunch.
And the laughter and kidding stops dead cold as all of this leads me to a place where my thoughts grow sadly darkened and far more iniquitous. You see Mayor Bloomberg looks at the homicide stats in the urban ghetto and he patronizes these people. He implies they aren’t employing any gravity to the situation when they shoot one another. It’s as if Bloomberg believes, that these young men believe, that their victims will just wake up from the dirt-nap feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day.
And then yet darker thoughts occur. What if Mayor Bloomberg is self-aware enough to realize that he is lying to his fellow Leftists? What if he cares about minority youth the way Barack Obama used to be a bigtime Christian Crusader on the whole gay marriage issue? He lies to these generous, clueless, hot-house flower, rich Liberals to flense their money. Deep in the cockles of his wretched soul he has experienced a dark enlightenment. Mayor Bloomberg knows something evil about the kids firing the guns in the ghetto. An awful lot of them have totally thought it through and aren’t just kidding.
So what then does he do with this knowledge? Does he sit on it and let it hatch? Probably not. He’s all in favor of confiscating weapons in the hands of these citizens because that’s the solution to this problem he’s discovered that would allow him to still be somewhat of a civilized man. I’ll end this rumination here because this particular rabbit hole has a really nasty bottom. You don’t want to think what someone like Bloomberg would do to these young, impoverished minorities when as Alice Cooper once sang, it’s “No More Mr. Nice Guy.”
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