The Democrats want you to believe this is an election about nothing. They claim that they only kind of know who Barack Obama even is and do not completely support him. If I were a Democrat, I would to. They have exhausted their ideological momentum and have trespassed against the morals and freedoms of others while having nothing to offer the people except their continued august presence at taxpayer expense. An issue-driven election, or worse yet, a philosophy-driven election is an invitation for these Democrats to wind up on the Roman end of The Battle of Teutoburg Forest.
Therefore, you hear nihilism from the Progressive Cathedral’s Ministry of Information (AKA The WaPo). Aaron Blake tells us how silly and fatuous we are below.
Not only is the election about whatever a particular American thinks is important; it’s also kind of — and apologies to Seinfeld here — an election about nothing. Amid the jumble of timely issues, a funny thing actually happened: Almost all of them became less important to Americans.
Dan Balz tosses out every sort of Red Herring he can pull in from the net in support of the same hypothesis. He tells us to decide what it is about.
What is this election year about? Is it jobs and the economy? Immigration and the border crisis? Obamacare? Women’s health issues? The Veterans Affairs scandal? The minimum wage? A world in turmoil? The image of House Republicans? Anger toward Washington? Power?
Now these sagacious and perspicacious mandarins of conventional wisdom and all Known Facts™ are deliberately missing The Teutoberg Forest to stare intently at individual tress. There are no “Hot-Button” issues at work here because the emerging theme that drives the current projections of a large Democratic defeat tomorrow is a lot larger. The Americans are sick of both Progressives and Progressivism. To quote Agent Smith from The Matrix, they can taste its stink. They do not want the national culture to lionize freaks who sexually molest infants like The Lovely and Talented Lena Dunham.
Progressivism has long been rotting from within. Ernst Steinberg categorized it as a Purificationist Ideology held together by mutually shared execration. Progressivism dies a heat death without the fires of irrational hatred towards all non-Progressives. There always has to be an enemy. There always has to be a backwards other against whom they can deploy the Alinsky Tactics. This explains the preponderance of fliers and ads accusing every White, Male Southern Republican of getting off on shooting Trayvon. It’s everything that deeply aggrieved Leftists accused The Willie Horton Ad of being except made worse by egregious over-exaggeration.
This election is about far more things than the Witch-Burning, Neo-Puritanical Left would ever admit. When we pull together the destruction of Brandon Eich, the harassment of Hobby Lobby and Chick Fil-A, the IRS harassment of Tea Party, #Gamergate, and numerous other examples of Progressives channeling the warped mentality of Josef Stalin launching an anti-Semitic Pogrom; a hideous mosaic of a dying, evil philosophy begins to emerge.
There are other issues at stake in The 2014 Elections. Victor Davis Hanson tells us he senses a deep, grinding sense of rising frustration with The Progressive, Post-modern Fuedalists who address the nation as if they pulled off a Norman Conquest back in 2008. The Weekly Standard points out sharp contrast between GOP and Democrat talking points on a list of issues. President Barack Obama tells us point-blank there are major issues to be weighed in the balance.
Yet all of these worthies vastly undersell the extent to which this midterm election matters. It is way more than just Barack Obama’s policies that are on the ballot. His entire worldview and ideology are underpinning any Democratic Party ticket. There is no independence on the Left from the macabre and purgative Progressive hegemon. Any Democrat you vote for is a lock-step, ideological rubber stamp of everything Barack Obama believes in. There are no free thinkers left unpurged in The Democratic Party. And that, right there; is what the 2014 Midterm Election is really about. Will America be assimilated into the soul-extinguishing Progressive Borg. The only way to vote “No” on that one is to vote a straight GOP ticket.
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