It’s amazing how fast President Barack Obama seems to be losing control of his coveted “national dialogue on race.” Perhaps if President Obama had a son he would look like the guy who blew a hole in Australian expatriot Christopher Lane because he was “bored.” Chuck Ross of The Daily Caller describes the senseless killing below.
James Edwards, 15, Chancey Luna, 16, and Michael Jones, 17, have all been charged as adults in Lane’s death. Lane, a 22 year-old student from Melbourne, was out for a jog last Friday evening when the three teens began following him in a car and shot him “just for the fun of it,” according to Duncan officials.
Soon after the horrible Trayvon Martin shooting, there was a generous 20% off sale on Obama 2012 College-style Hooded Sweatshirts. (AKA “Hoodies.”). Amping up the racial outrage was seen as a ticket to getting strong Obama supporters to fill coffers and flood the polls. To what extent that worked has never been mathematically evaluated. I only point out that The Obama Campaign’s merchandising team was Johnnie-On-The-Spot after George Zimmerman shot Martin. As for Christopher Lane, the White House Propaganda Flack is “not familiar” with the event.
Maybe the foreign news coverage shows us why. Perhaps if the White House needs more familiarization, here’s what everyone in Australia already knows about the murder. What’s the matter, Mr. President? Cat got your tongue? Were James Edwards, Chancey Luna and Michael Jones not the droids you and Eric Holder were looking for? Maybe the White House wants to tone this whole national conversation on race down a wee bit in light of recent events. Perhaps they liked us all better when we were still just a “nation of cowards.”
When DHS employee Ayo Kimathi works for homeland security by day and prepares for racial warfare during his time off, perhaps things are not as under control as President Obama wants them to be. Kimathi has the following to say for himself according to the SPLC*.
he calls himself “the Irritated Genie.” He’s a gay-bashing, revenge-seeking black nationalist who advocates on his website – War on the Horizon – the mass murder of whites and the “ethnic cleansing” of “black-skinned Uncle Tom race traitors. Warfare is eminent,” the website declares, “and in order for Black people to survive the 21st century, we are going to have to kill a lot of whites – more than our Christian hearts can possibly count.”
Perhaps we all should just sit down with Ayo Kimathi for a beer summit. We can all just work this out while Mr. Brewski sits in to mediate. Or not. Maybe Mr. Kimathi doesn’t understand what Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton were really after when they “encouraged activism” over the Trayvon Martin shooting. When Reverand Sharpton criticizes “the diamond merchants” up on Shaker Heights, he doesn’t really want riots. He just wants the diamonds.
Riots and warfare are bad for business. The people who exploit awful occurrences like the Trayvon Martin Shooting do not want people to seriously shoot other people or play Advanced Knockout King. Rap videos like this one from Waka-Flaka (NSFW) are not what Eric Holder had in mind as a national dialogue on race.
When people start thinking Harriet Tubman rape jokes are funny, people are losing control over what was a politically useful conversation. Now Barack Obama wonders whether this whole national conversation about race will stop being a unidirectional shakedown. It’s time to change the subject. When Australia is telling people not to visit the US anymore, the topic isn’t lucrative anymore. How big of an anchor it becomes depends upon just how angry the Christopher Lane shooting is making the 87% of America that doesn’t have a son that looks like Trayvon. That’s an answer the Obama White House would rather remain ‘not familiar” with.
*-The SPLC deserves a gold star for ditching their usual liberal bias and actually admitting a non-white could harbor racist beliefs.
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