If you watch politics long enough, you’ll see a moment where the tragedy of a losing campaign gets so bad that you actually stop and laugh. It was the “Taliban Dan” ad back in 2010 that convinced me that Alan Grayson was off to his next stop on his professional career. Examples of this have abounded in the 2012 Republican Presidential Primary. Who can forget the Michelle Bachman “Retardasil Interview?” By throwing in with Dr. Wakefield and the vaccination nut-jobs, she ended her campaign before the first Caucus convened. With Governor Perry, it was the “Vulture Capitalism” comment that finally branded him as ready for the Presidency as Ronald Reagan – in 1968.
So suffice it to say, there seems to be a conspiracy afoot to force me into supporting Mitt Romney athwart my instinct, values and will. The latest member of The Borg, attempting to assimilate me into the unpalatable, was none other than Newton Leroy Gingrich. Once you’ve ordered up a few thousand robocalls that accuse your opponent of denying holocaust survivors a proper kosher menu, Stephen Colbert throws up his hands. You are now impossible to effectively parody. Like Herman Cain just now realizing that The People’s Liberation Army liked developing nuclear weapons, “Nuke” Gingrich has successfully self-immolated. He’s cute, funny, but should now do Conservatism one final favor and please just go away.
So where does that leave us. Wasting away again, in Obama-Cronyville? Looking for that lost shaker of salt? Not. Just. Yet….There still stands one plausible Anti-Mitt.
His name is Rick Santorum, and he is the last Pro-Life Candidate who is still electorally viable. He has never signed a Planned Parenthood petition supporting the principles of The USSC decision reached in Roe Vs. Wade. He has never hired an environmental advisor who co-authored a book with the Ehrlichs entitled Ecoscience which called for forced abortions and sterilizations.
If the issue in question is Environmental extremism and energy policy, Rick Santorum wins hands-down. Mitt Romney tells us the following about Anthropogenic Global Warming.
“I believe the world is getting warmer, and I believe that humans have contributed to that,” he told a crowd of about 200 at a town hall meeting in Manchester, New Hampshire. “It’s important for us to reduce our emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases that may be significant contributors.”
Rick Santorum also takes a position on Anthropogenic Global Warming. It is diametrically opposed to Mitt Romney’s. Rick Santorum beautifully describes the Global Warming problem below.
….it’s a beautifully concocted scheme because they know that the earth is gonna cool and warm. It’s been on a warming trend so they said, “Oh, let’s take advantage of that and say that we need the government to come in and regulate your life some more because it’s getting warmer,” just like they did in the seventies when it was getting cool, they needed the government to come in and regulate your life because it’s getting cooler. It’s just an excuse for more government control of your life, and I’ve never been for any scheme or even accepted the junk science behind the whole narrative.
Now the detractors point out problems with Rick Santorum. He spent too much in the US Senate and thereby added to the problem of our over-empowered government..This is a valid criticism. It would disqualify him if he were running against a solid Club For Growth Conservative. Against Mitt, I’m left to ask the following. “Opposed to what? RomneyCare? Take away the Death Panel and RomneyCare is a guaranteed fiscal sucking chest wound.”
He also bears the dubious distinction as the man who endorsed Arlen Specter over Pat Toomey for the US Senate in 2004. That’s bad. If had gone any further to the port side of the GOP that year, he could perhaps have endorsed Mitt Romney. I hated Arlen Specter with a passion and shed no tears when he went over to the Dems. However, I also understand that Clarence Thomas, Sam Alito and Chief Justice Roberts probably don’t sit on The Supreme Court without Arlen Specter watching each man’s six-o-clock. Even at his worst, Rick Santorum did some good.
And yes, there’s the electability thing. Rick Santorum was quite forcibly ejected from the US Senate by Governor Casey’s lick-spittle son. Would he be similarly thrashed by Barack Obama? It’s a fair question. He polls behind Obama in hypothetical match-ups right now. But then again, compare how John F. Kerry polled against George W. Bush before he was well on his way to being nominated in May 2004 to afterwards.
To me, this election will be far more than just “jobs, jobs, jobs.” Do not believe that “it’s the economy, Stupid” unless you typically let people address you as Stupid. Mitt Romney believes that Roe Vs. Wade was morally valid jurisprudence, Global Warming justifies government regulation and that Individual Mandate healthcare plans are not a fundamental violation of our rights as Americans. Perhaps he stands oblivious as to how Barack Obama just sawed The Catholic Church off a limb.
Mitt Romney believes all of these crazy and stupid things because he ultimately believes that empowering the government is a greater good than protecting the life and welfare of individuals. It thus surprises me none whatsoever when Soledad O’Brien reports that Mitt Romney just told us the following.
Romney says, “I’m not concerned about the very poor. We have a safety net there. If it needs a repair , I’ll fix it. I’m not concerned about the very rich…. I’m concerned about the very heart of America, the 90-95 percent of Americans who right now are struggling.”
What we need is a President who is concerned about the value of every life. We need a President who isn’t concerned about what group you are in or how big that group happens to be on the first Tuesday of November. We need a President who will focus on returning as much power as possible to individual at the expense of the overgrown state. On that criteria, by a substantial margin, Rick Santorum more is suited to the Presidency than Mitt Romney. Rick Santorum 2012.
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