WATCH: Oh My, Marcy Kaptur Attacks Elon Musk for Being an Immigrant

Britta Pedersen/Pool via AP

Democrats have a very strange take on immigrants. 

First they want you to think they're supportive of immigrants. But then they smear them -- the people who came here the right way -- through the immigration process -- and lump them together by using the term "immigrant" for illegal aliens as well. 


Then even with the people who entered illegally, they don't want you to refer to them as being "illegal." But then, they flip out at enforcing the law and deportation against illegal aliens, saying "who will pick our crops" as though illegal aliens were just supposed to be here to work for them. 

But Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH), 78, took it to another level when she attacked Elon Musk. Listen as she preaches fear of an immigrant because he's only been a citizen for -- gasp -- "22 years." 

"Mr. Musk has just been here 22 years," she reacted  And he's a citizen of three countries," she ranted. 

"I always ask myself a question with the damage he's doing here, when push comes to shove, which country is he loyalty [sic] to -- South Africa? Canada? Or the United States? And he's only been a citizen, I'll say again, 22 years."

Is she kidding? When is a citizen good enough for her? Is she really saying you can't trust American citizens now? That's just shameful. And she's been in Congress since 1983. 


He's a citizen of South Africa because he was born there. He's a citizen of Canada through his mother and because he lived there. I think given all he's had to endure after going all in to help this country, he's shown what being a citizen truly all about -- putting his money, his reputation, and frankly even his life on the line to help. All for free, for that matter. She should look at what he is doing to know where his heart lies. She should be profusely thanking him instead of going on a nativist rant. 

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Moreover, it doesn't look like there was anyone there besides the media and the weird looking few guys behind her. So she clearly didn't have many people supportive of her attack. Looks like the left just isn't able to rally up that leftist protest support anymore. 

Somehow Elon shouldn't be trusted after 22 years a citizen, but we should all just be cool with unvetted illegal aliens wandering across the border and it's evil to enforce the law against them despite the fact that they broke the law. This is the mind-bending way Democrats think. 



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