Podcaster Who Interviewed Trump Blows Up Dem Narrative About Him, Explains What Happened After Interview

AP Photo/Paul Sancya

Comedian Andrew Schulz and his "Flagrant" podcast co-hosts did a great interview of former President Donald Trump last week. People loved it because it showed Trump's humor and humanity as he spoke about his family, Elon Musk, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and what he wants his legacy to be. 


The difference between his off-the-cuff speaking and ability to answer questions versus Kamala Harris is stark. He spoke with the "Flagrant" guys for an hour-and-a-half, longer than anticipated, but they were having so much fun, they just continued. 

Meanwhile, Kamala couldn't handle even a half-hour with Bret Baier -- she arrived late, and then Baier said people were waving for it to end. You know it's bad, when the left has to resort to calling Baier "rude" and accuse him of not letting her answer,--when she offered no answers. Her only response for virtually everything was "Orange Man bad." 

READ MORE:  Trump's Funny, No-Holds-Barred Interview Has Them Rolling When He Explains Joe Biden's Real Talent

But Schulz raised a question, if this might have cost him stand-up shows that were booked in NYC; A venue canceled shows he had scheduled hours after his interview with Trump. 

Schulz explained on his most recent podcast that the Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) canceled his booked shows:

"It's not like, ‘we might do it here.’ It's booked. It's ready to go. We're going on sale this week. We have the entire production team come out for this… it's ready to go," Schulz explained. "And three and a half hours after the interview, they cancel shows."

"Read the exact email, because they're canceling my shows but they're also begging Live Nation to not cancel future shows with them. Like they still want business, just not this guy. Now, I don't know if it's [because of] the Trump interview, but the day before it came out, we were ready to go and we were going on sale this week," Schulz emphasized before putting the alleged email on screen.


He then showed the email received from BAM, which mentions "internal discussion with leadership" that BAM was not the "right fit for this show at this time": 

"First of all, I want to thank you for thinking of BAM for Andrew Schulz's upcoming comedy show. We are always excited when promoters consider our space for their events. After some internal discussion with leadership, it was decided that BAM is not the right fit for this show at this time. That said, we really do appreciate you reaching out, and we'd love to work with you on future events that might be a better match for BAM. Our door is always open for a chat about other shows you think might work well in our space. Thanks again for considering us. Looking forward to potentially collaborating down the line," the email read.

Ah, the "internal discussion."  Schulz said, "F- them and F- them forever,"

BAM denied it. 

"This show was not cancelled; it was a prospective rental that was never contracted. The decision to pass was made by BAM’s senior staff well before the podcast interview with Donald Trump," a spokesperson for the venue told Fox News Digital.


Why would you need to have "internal discussion" and an email saying the show is not "the right fit," if it hadn't been booked? 

Schulz also said some other things that might not go over well in some quarters, including saying Trump was "winning by a landslide," I think he was saying that's what the energy feels like now. 

Warning for graphic language: 

He also noted how the "liberal media spun it in liberals' favor," trying to spin it as though he or his co-hosts were "laughing in Trump's face" -- that they were seeing what they wanted to see, he said. 

But if you watch it, they were laughing with Trump, not at him, which is one of the reasons it was such fun. 

Schulz also put paid to the ridiculous Democratic talking point/narrative that Trump has dementia, calling him "sharp as a tack," with his co-hosts agreeing, saying,"Sharp!" Schulz said he has a father who has dementia, so he knows the signs and saw none of that.  

As we reported, Kamala Harris has been a chief proponent of this lie and that alone, lying and spreading a manipulated video to deceive the American people, should disqualify her, even without all her other faults. 


READ MORE: Trump Team Nails Kamala in Lie About Trump Event, Even ABC Debunks Her Nonsense

Kamala Promotes More Lies About Trump's Fitness, Then Shows How Clueless She Is

You can see the more recent "Flagrant" podcast here.


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