Biden NATO Summit Confusion Includes Bizarre Gestures—and Even a Struggle With a Chair

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Joe Biden met with with NATO leaders on Thursday at a summit in Washington, D.C. 

We've brought you a bit of the summit already, with Biden starting out on Tuesday, slurring and stumbling through remarks about the 75th anniversary of the organization. Then he continued with befuddled remarks, on Wednesday night at the NATO dinner, as well as Biden botching a quote about the orgin of NATO earlier in the day 


It's been a struggle, and we haven't even gotten to the "Big Boy" press conference yet, scheduled for later on Thursday. Even before that, he was having a tough time.  

READ MORE: Biden's Weird Greeting of British PM Starmer and Befuddled NATO Dinner Remarks

Biden Botches Quote at NATO Summit, What He Says Instead Is a Revelatory Freudian Slip

Biden Slurs and Stumbles Through NATO Anniversary Remarks, Clinging to the Teleprompter for Dear Life

Biden has a tendency to smirk in the direction of reporters, when they are getting tossed out of the room. But here, you can see them being tossed; these are the bizarre facial expressions and gestures that he made: 

What the heck was that?  Was it his "Big Boy" move? 

On Thursday, he had a side meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the NATO summit. You can see how much he's deteriorated. Not only was he reading from the cards, he's now hunched over reading--not even making any pretense; he's still having some issues, slurring badly, while talking about how he's authorized yet another tranche of money for Ukraine: 


He didn't even seem to be sure when he signed it, saying he signed it yesterday, last night "I guess." He guesses? Doesn't he know when he signed it? 

Then reporters tried to ask him questions about his cognitive decline. He refused, and the reporters got tossed: 

He got a little assistance from the NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg here, during the morning "working session" they had:

He treated the chair like he didn't know what it was and then had that goofy look on his face, with his hands out again: 


But he saved the really embarrassing moment for when he came back later and tried to sit in the chair. What the heck was going on here? The look on his face was something else too, as though he just discovered something wrong: 

Given what he looked like so far, it's not looking good for that presser later on Thursday. 

Hold on to your hats; it's likely to be a train wreck.


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