Joe Biden hasn't exactly had a heavy schedule this week. He went to Camp David with Hunter over the weekend so he had yet another vacation.
Then on Monday all he had was the Easter Egg Roll. Not exactly a lot of work or high stress, although Biden managed to create his own problems by slurring and being confused throughout the event. He also told a bizarre story about his grandkids, most of whom are adults jumping in bed with him being his favorite memory of the White House.
On Tuesday, he had nothing at all on his public schedule. But, as I noted, he looked horrible at his healthcare remarks that he had to deliver on Wednesday and lost badly in a fight with the teleprompter.
Biden Loses Badly to Teleprompter, KJP Tries to Clean It Up and Gets Busted in the Attempt
Biden Interview With Al Roker Goes South With Slurring and Bizarre Story About Kids/Grandkids
Biden Breaks Out More Confusion and a New Name for Easter Bunnies, Sneaks in Sniff of a Child
Turns out there was a backstory.
Biden was late to the event which was supposed to be at 11 a.m. He kept Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and the health care advocates who attended the even waiting for an hour before he bothered to appear. He didn't show up until around 12 p.m. And when he showed up finally, people noticed that he had CPAP strap marks still very evident on his face.
He supposedly sleeps with a CPAP machine helping him because he has sleep apnea.
But if he's showing up at that time with the straps still evident on his face, then one has to concluded it's very likely he overslept. Fox's Jesse Watters made this point.
"Today, Biden OVERSLEPT and was late to an 11:00 a.m. speech. He didn't show up until an hour later," says @JesseBWatters.
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) April 4, 2024
"If you look closely, you can see the CPAP creases on his face ... If he has a creasy face at noon, he just got out of bed." đŸ˜¬
"If he has a creasy face at noon, he just got out of bed," Watters surmised. He wasn't up late or doing anything the day before, yet he's still so late this morning?
Seriously, we have someone occupying the Oval Office who is oversleeping and not making an event until noon? Is he actually doing any work at all with a schedule like this? Sounds like former President Donald Trump nicknaming him "Sleepy Joe" is right yet again.
Also, the only other thing on the schedule was that Biden was supposed to have the Daily Briefing at 10 a.m., did he just skip that? Does he actually attend that?
If that’s the case, who is truly making the decisions behind the scenes here if this is going on? And how could anyone possibly vote for the mess that's going on here? I know we can't expect them to be straight with us, even though we have a right to it and for sure media isn't pushing hard enough when he does things like this to ask: what the heck is going on here?
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