Picture of Biden on Plane to Ukraine Raises Big Questions

The House Oversight Committee X account dropped a fascinating picture of Joe Biden on Thursday that’s kicking up a storm on the internet and raising more questions regarding the Biden family scandal.


The photo is from Air Force Two on Dec. 6, 2015, as Biden is on his way to Ukraine on that infamous trip when he says that he threatened to withhold the $1 billion in aid from Ukraine if the Ukrainians didn’t fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.

The big deal is who he is being briefed by — Amos Hochstein. Hochstein presently works for Biden as his “special presidential coordinator.” He also worked with Biden at the time. He was then a special envoy and coordinator for international affairs for the Obama/Biden administration.

But according to emails, Hochstein was also in communication with Hunter and folks at Burisma. While Hunter may not have known anything about energy, Hochstein did.

House Republican Conference Chair Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) called it “damning.”

“This damning picture of then Vice President Joe Biden on Air Force Two en route to Ukraine talking with Amos Hochstein is just further evidence that Biden and senior officials in the Biden Administration not only knew of Hunter Biden’s corrupt foreign business dealings, but also that Joe Biden was intimately involved while Vice President,” Stefanik told Fox News Digital in a statement.

“At the time of this photo, Hochstein was in communication with Hunter Biden and Burisma where Hunter served on the board,” she continued. “We also know that this photo was taken on Air Force Two ahead of Joe Biden’s now infamous meeting with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, where Biden threatened to have aid withheld if a Ukrainian prosecutor investigating Burisma was not fired.”

“All evidence points directly to Joe Biden being deeply compromised. House Republicans will leave no stone unturned in our investigations into Biden’s involvement in his family’s influence peddling scheme,” Stefanik added.


According to emails, while Hochstein was working for the Obama/Biden administration, he was also in communication with Hunter Biden, Rosemont Seneca Partners, and the folks at Burisma to get contacts to help figure out the question of a new tax that Ukraine was leaving on private energy companies. The interactions between Hochstein and the Burisma people during this time seem suspicious.

In July 2014, a crisis communications person at Burisma Heather King contacted Hunter about the tax and Hochstein.

“This news is very concerning,” she wrote. “I assume you will be sending an email to the State Dept today about this? We will also get you connected with the US Embassy contact so you can hopefully meet with the guy Hochstein recommended as soon as possible.”

Then, a couple of months later in September, Vadym Pozharskyi emailed King, and other Burisma people, and Devon Archer said he wanted ideas on how to deal with the question.

“Please, note that I am going to share this information with the US embassy here in Kyiv,” he said, “as well as the office of Mr Amos Hochstein in the States.”

On November 13, Hochstein was at a meeting at the Naval Observatory, Biden’s VP residence.

The next day, Eric Schwerin, the then-president of Rosemont Seneca Partners, sent Hunter a link, without comment, to Hochstein’s biography on the State Department’s website.

Three days later, on Nov. 17, 2014, Hochstein met with Kathy Chung, according to the White House visitor logs. Chung was Biden’s executive assistant at the time and now serves as the Pentagon’s deputy director of protocol.

A few days later, Hunter asked Schwerin to send Hochstein’s contact information to Archer, Hunter’s fellow Burisma board member and a co-founder of Rosemont Seneca Partners.

A couple of weeks later, on Dec. 11, 2014, Hochstein met with Biden and Chung in two separate meetings and later attended a holiday party at Biden’s residence that same day. Four days later, Hochstein attended a “meeting” at the vice president’s residence, according to White House visitor logs.

Four months later, on April 16, 2015, Hochstein met with Biden in the West Wing of the White House, the visitor logs show.

That meeting took place the same day that Hunter introduced his father to Burisma executive Pozharskyi and other business associates from Kazakhstan and Russia during a dinner at Café Milano in Washington, D.C., Fox News Digital previously reported. It is unclear whether Burisma or Pozharskyi’s visit to Washington, D.C., was mentioned during that meeting.


After that, Hochstein met with Joe Biden multiple times between June and November.

In October, according to a Senate report released in 2020, Hochstein raised issues about Hunter’s position on the Burisma board with both Hunter and Joe Biden, saying it might help “Russian disinformation efforts” and hurt policy. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland said that Hochstein had a conversation with Biden about Hunter on that same plane ride depicted above.

Joe told Hunter about the meeting he had with Hochstein and then Hunter set up a meeting with Hochstein too.

“You are all set to meet with Amos on Friday at 4pm for coffee,” Joan Mayer emailed Hunter on Nov. 3, 2015, referring to their Nov. 6 meeting. She later emailed Hunter to let him know the Nov. 6 meeting with Hochstein at a Starbucks in Georgetown had been moved to 3 p.m. Hochstein met with Biden in the White House Situation Room the day before on Nov. 5, 2015, the visitor logs say.

“Well, he [Hunter] asked me for a meeting,” Hochstein said in his testimony. “I think he wanted to know my views on Burisma and [Mykola] Zlochevsky. And so I shared with him that the Russians were using his name in order to sow disinformation — attempt to sow disinformation among Ukrainians.”

Hochstein had multiple meetings with Joe Biden after that, including at least six meetings in 2016, including the day after Viktor Shokin was fired in March 2016.

There are multiple questions here not only about Joe’s involvement and him being involved, yet again in Hunter’s business, despite his denials. But there’s also the question about using Biden staff and/or government officials to help Hunter and Burisma.


As Jonathan Turley notes, there’s also a FARA question that all these interactions raise and he pointed out the possibility of Hochstein getting a subpoena to reveal what he knows.

It’s a bit like peeling an onion when it comes to this whole Biden mess — you think you may have plumbed the depths of it, but it’s ever-evolving and there always seems to be another layer.


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