Senators from the Judiciary Committee were questioning SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barrett on Tuesday for the second day in a row.
But some of the Democrats, instead of really questioning Barrett, used their time to grandstand and politic.
Perhaps the worst example of this was Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) whose conspiracy-ridden rant was so bizarre it was unintentionally hilarious.
Here’s a little bit of the crazy. He even held up a sign with “The Scheme” on it.
Whitehouse: “This, more and more, looks like it’s not three schemes — but it’s one scheme. With the same funders selecting judges, funding campaigns for the judges, & then showing up in court in these orchestrated amicus flotillas to tell the judges what to do.” pic.twitter.com/iBqVKAJQYn
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) October 13, 2020
My gosh, I think he may have figured out that conservative groups support the idea of having conservative justices. Oh my! The scandal!
But the seriousness of his delusional presentation, they’re even in the “same hallway,” was funny.
Whitehouse: “Something is not right around the Court. And dark money has a lot to do with it. Special interests have a lot to do with it.” pic.twitter.com/Lh18NR43yw
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) October 13, 2020
So he went on like that for 30 minutes, not asking Barrett even one question. She looked at him the whole time and you could see she was probably thinking he was out of his mind, but wouldn’t say it.
Whitehouse got mocked mercilessly on Twitter by conservatives, while those on the left praised his ‘receipts.’
I started sweating there. I thought maybe Sheldon had cracked the whole conspiracy. Phew.
— Tim Carney (@TPCarney) October 13, 2020
In which Sheldon Whitehouse undercovers a giant conspiracy in which originalist organizations work to get originalist judges selected to the federal bench. Well done, Sherlock. pic.twitter.com/VOuMgmTjtW
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) October 13, 2020
If this chart doesn't explain everything to you, you're probably sane. pic.twitter.com/yfHrMOaiu1
— Ed Whelan (@EdWhelanEPPC) October 13, 2020
Three shots from Sen. Whitehouse's questioning. pic.twitter.com/voe5mIks4r
— Kate Hyde (@KateHydeNY) October 13, 2020
Sheldon Whitehouse rn pic.twitter.com/sOSdWVJxEX
— MicDre (@DreMicDre) October 13, 2020
Not letting a woman speak is OK when you’re a Democrat, we all know that. https://t.co/BnL9kK48Gr
— Dan McLaughlin (@baseballcrank) October 13, 2020
It even prompted dry wit from the folks over at Court TV who are generally quite neutral.
"We're going to take a Break. Senator Whitehouse is speaking. Don't worry you won't miss a thing." ~@CourtTV host. LOL NO truer statement ever made.
— Tracy (Go Go Boots) Jeranek (@TracyJeffords) October 13, 2020
When they came back from break he said….”We now rejoin with Senator Whitehouse speaking. He still hasn’t asked a question, but I’m sure he’s ready to”
— Tracy (Go Go Boots) Jeranek (@TracyJeffords) October 13, 2020
HT: Twitchy
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