When Democrats look back at why they lost the presidential election in 2020, one of the most critical reasons will likely be that they are losing critical, black voter support.
Now, that doesn’t mean that they wouldn’t still get more black voter support than the president in this election. No doubt they will. But it’s clear that the beneficial policies that Donald Trump has put in place are turning a lot of voters away from the Democrats, including black Americans.
We saw how that has flipped prominent, black support, like Georgia state representative Vernon Jones. We’ve also seen how civil rights activist Leo Terrell was influenced by the Democrats’ failure to adequately address the riots to walk away to support Donald Trump.
Now another prominent Democrat is professing support for Trump: Ohio state representative Bernadine Kennedy Kent, from the 25th District in Columbus, Ohio, a critical state for Trump to hold. She cited his law and order stance, economic prosperity, and support for HBCU among her reasons.
Ohio Democratic lawmaker Bernadine Kennedy Kent endorses Trump; has been feuding with fellow Democrats. https://t.co/lKYOHnlwd5
— Columbus Dispatch (@DispatchAlerts) September 29, 2020
From the Daily Wire:
“Today, following in the bold first step of Georgia State Representative Vernon Jones, I am both honored and humbled to be the second Democrat State Representative to publicly announce my endorsement of President Donald J. Trump.”
“From my perspective as a lawmaker who was elected for the first time in 2016, following a lifetime as an educator and child advocate, I have admired President Trump’s dedication to law and order and his respect for our Constitution,” Kent continued. “His strong leadership and willingness to fight for educational and economic empowerment for minorities has brought unprecedented hope to the American people.”
“President Trump has provided a record number of Black Americans with a real shot at the American dream,” Kent wrote. “Under President Trump’s leadership, Black Americans have experienced record-low unemployment and the poverty rate among the black community has fallen to its lowest level in U.S. history. A large part of this success is due to President Trump’s willingness to listen to the ideas of Senator Tim Scott and the concerns of invested citizens from diverse communities in economic distress. This effort produced a groundbreaking solution called ‘Opportunity Zones,’ a way to create jobs and spur investment in disadvantaged communities. We all recognize that gainful employment and economic development is the best deterrent against violence and social unrest, so I want to thank President Trump for his commitment to ensuring the success of the Black community in every way.”
Kent continued:
“I am beyond thankful for President Trump’s willingness to prioritize the success of my own alma mater, as well as other Historically Black Colleges and Universities. President Trump has appropriated more money to HBCUs in one year than any other president. In addition, the Trump Administration continues to work with HBCUs to expand apprenticeship opportunities, career choices, and ensure they are receiving adequate support. HBCUs are said to have trained roughly 50 percent of black teachers and doctors in the United States today. Most students at these historically black colleges are low-income, first-generation students. President Trump’s historic action, permanently providing HBCUs with more than $250 million a year has ensured the legacy of these colleges and universities that are near and dear to my heart, as well as the futures of their graduates for generations to come.”
In other words, unlike Biden, real actions that make real improvements — not just empty talk like the Democrats and Joe Biden. Biden’s already had 47 years to prove himself. What actually has he done, besides the crime bill that now he essentially disavows?
Kent outlined issues that she and her husband had had with local Democrats. Her husband has walked away from the Democratic Party as a result. But she said that regardless of those issues, her values aligned more with Trump than with Joe Biden’s “divisive rhetoric” and “promotion of mass incarceration.” She also pointed out Biden’s “you ain’t black” if you didn’t vote for him comment as an alienating issue. She observed that not only was she black, but she was “delighted to endorse President Trump.”
Expect more defections, both publicly and in the voting booth.
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