President Donald Trump’s achievements in the Middle East, helping to bring about peace accords between Israel, the UAE and Bahrain, is pretty remarkable.
Not just on its face, but because the media and the Obama administration denigrated the very idea that it could be achieved.
Indeed, the Obama administration tried to argue that pulling out of the Iran Deal would isolate the U.S. and Israel and that it wasn’t possible to have a separate peace that didn’t involve the Palestinians.
In fact, the opposite is true. Now, not only have the UAE and Bahrain signed on, but Saudi Arabia is also said to be possibly in the works.
Perhaps no one in the Obama administration has tried to throw a wrench into the efforts of the Trump administration in the region more than former Secretary of State John Kerry. Kerry even had secret meetings with the Iranians during the Trump administration which sparked questions about the Logan Act. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called out his actions last year.
From Fox News:
Pompeo went on to accuse Kerry of advising to the Iranians that the best course of action is to wait out the current administration, calling it “unheard of.”
“I understand they have different views than we have, they are entitled to those views. But talking with senior leaders around the world and suggesting to them somehow that waiting out this administration is the best course of action for those countries is something that is unheard of,” he said.
“It is fundamentally different than any previous administration has undertaken and they ought to leave the foreign policy to us,” he added.
So, it’s perhaps especially appropriate we note today how wrong and harmful that Obama-Kerry defeatist approach was. Here’s the perfect tweet from John Kerry in 2016, that as Noam Blum notes, has aged like “milk in a sauna.”
John Kerry with a 2016 Middle East take that aged like milk in a sauna. pic.twitter.com/2Vae6yDJFt
— Noam Blum (@neontaster) September 16, 2020
The Obama administration, proven wrong once again. There can be no peace when you appease terrorists and when you believe you can’t achieve it (or don’t want to achieve it). Trump didn’t limit himself and didn’t send pallets of cash that helped keep terrorists in power, so he was able to achieve it. Now it’s the bad actors — Iran and the Palestinians — who are on the outside looking in, and who have to come back to the table if they hope to come out with anything. That’s what real negotiation is about and it has greatly advanced the peace in the area.
This is like watching a very self-assured iguana attempting to translate Latin https://t.co/VGgmr9GfSR
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) September 17, 2020
Palestinian leadership was holding peace between Israel and the more moderate Arab countries hostage to extract continuous unilateral concessions from Israel, and Obama/Kerry etc were their accomplices. All the Trump admin really did was let the hostages go.
— (((AG))) (@AGHamilton29) September 16, 2020
John Kerry may have been the worst Secretary of State ever, which says a lot https://t.co/q55auCaxD5
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) September 17, 2020
But one has to remember there’s always Hillary Clinton. So Kerry may not win the award.
HT: Twitchy
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