Watching Joe Biden answering questions during interviews, it’s pretty clear that he often appears to be reading from a teleprompter.
We’ve reported on it in several posts including here.
He literally tells them to move it up so he can read the answer and then obviously reads it.
Joe Biden orders his staff to move up his teleprompter and lets out a very labored sigh while waiting for the prompter to scroll.
Is he ok? Why can’t he answer a question without a teleprompter?
— Abigail Marone (@abigailmarone) September 7, 2020
Here he is reading the instruction line on the teleprompter “end of quote.”
Joe Biden reads "end of quote" after making debunked claim about Social Security.
Biden defeated again by the teleprompter. pic.twitter.com/zztZ9fcemS
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) September 4, 2020
So, where is the media asking why is he using a teleprompter to answer interview questions? And is he not only getting help answering the questions — is he also being given the questions in advance?
As we reported, Fox’s Bret Baier actually asked Biden advisor, T.J. Ducklo, yes or no, was Biden using a teleprompter in interviews and significantly, Ducklo refused to answer the question, trying every which way to duck it.
Biden national press secretary TJ Ducklo refuses to answer questions on Joe Biden’s teleprompter use in interviews and Q&A: “you can’t answer the question” pic.twitter.com/oN2I2XXZpr
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) September 11, 2020
But now, it looks like Michael Moore (not the leftist Michael Moore) may have nailed Biden with the teleprompter. Moore was looking at an interview with James Corden talking with Biden from his basement. During the interview, Biden held up a framed picture of himself with his two sons when they were younger. In the reflection of the picture, you can see the reflection of the television showing the telecast and then to its right what appears to be the teleprompter and the lines glowing on the glass. Check the reflection of the green and blue lines.
Check out the teleprompter in the reflection. Biden blatantly read from a script for most of the interview with James Corden.
I bet his handlers weren’t too happy with him going off script. He probably got reprimanded. pic.twitter.com/BPK2FGB8cz
— Michael Moore (@mbracemoore) September 12, 2020
That reflection…
Joe Biden was using a teleprompter for an interview with James Corden. pic.twitter.com/wqBrhqNVHW
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) September 12, 2020
So, will this finally prompt other media besides Bret Baier to actually ask some real questions about this?
I don’t want to hear another damn word from Stelter, Tapper, Rucker et al. about the critical role they play as guardians of our democracy. They need to start asking Biden some legit questions or they need to sit down & shut their mouths. https://t.co/fcJGQU7TWD
— Arthur Schwartz (@ArthurSchwartz) September 12, 2020
“Here’s a giant picture of my sons, taken at some point in their lives, I really don’t remember, that typically hangs in my bedroom but I brought it with me because that what they told me to do Joe stop reading at this line and wait for reaction.”
— Valannin (@valannin) September 12, 2020
Yes, this “Interview” was scripted. Note different colors for teleprompter text. They are two sides to the “conversation”. I’ve worked with TV teleprompters before. This is what they are.
This was staged. It’s all a show.
Why does Biden need a script? pic.twitter.com/zEwyR5E94u
— Eye of Orwell (@OrwellOf) September 12, 2020
If you need to have a script even for James Corden, the most softball, coddling interview ever for a Democrat, then it’s really bad.
HT: Twitchy
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