In case you thought the BLM rampaging through restaurants was just restricted to Rochester, think again. They just keep upping their game of terrorizing people.
They were marching in Pittsburgh on Saturday when they began harassing people in a restaurant, screaming at them from the street. But then they entered the outdoor dining area, one stole a diner’s drink and drank it, and then they smashed things to the ground, all while disgracefully cursing out an elderly couple.
Warning for language.
Yesterday in Pittsburgh, PA – BLM terrorists accost yet more people dining at a restaurant. They drank people's beverages from off their tables, broke glass, and knocked things around in the outdoor dining area. Sent by @mammayjustajoo (1/2) pic.twitter.com/OkiVR3oqI3
— Kitty Shackleford (@KittyLists) September 6, 2020
Others in the area were assaulted as well, looks like a bicyclist just passing by. Reminder that the blonde braid girl in Washington DC berating cops. Pittsburgh, PA (2/2) pic.twitter.com/SOK4GEP1SZ
— Kitty Shackleford (@KittyLists) September 6, 2020
One of the members then all assaulted a cyclist right outside the restaurant area, smacking him in the back of the head.
They then went on to harass the Mayor at his house and berate people at another restaurant. These folks are mentally twisted.
9/5/20 Pittsburgh, PA | Protesters arrive at Mayor Peduto’s home. They chant “F*ck 12!” at police and shine strobe lights at them.
Credit: Christian Snyder pic.twitter.com/RmrD46tmvR
— Liz Jones (@LizJone26271417) September 6, 2020
9/5/20 Pittsburgh, PA | Protesters march through commercial district to Mayor Peduto’s home again.
Credit: Christian Snyder pic.twitter.com/AomWsTjRzC
— Liz Jones (@LizJone26271417) September 6, 2020
This is dangerous stuff, the permission of the power of the mob, that gives these folks the license to think they can do things like this. This is what it looks like when people think there are no consequences for their actions; when there is no rule of law. Will there be any consequences in Pittsburgh? It’s not Portland. But this kind of stuff is spreading and needs to be stopped.
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