There have been lots of nicknames ascribed to Joe Biden, from creepy to sleepy. But someone needs to come up with one that fits just how much he panders for votes.
He was at it again today. Or perhaps whoever has a hold of his twitter account was.
Either way they let this one go.
It's been six years since Michael Brown's life was taken in Ferguson — reigniting a movement. We must continue the work of tackling systemic racism and reforming policing.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) August 9, 2020
Michael Brown had just robbed a convenience store, when he was stopped by a cop because of it. There was a struggle during which Brown reached for the officer’s gun. There was no “hands up don’t shoot” moment, despite the narrative afterward that was aided by the media and still persists today. There was no indication that it had anything to do with any kind of racism.
Multiple investigations, including one under the Obama/Biden administration found the shooting justifiable and disputed Biden’s spin now. It was conducted by the Department of Justice under Eric Holder.
"The Department has concluded that Darren Wilson’s actions do not constitute prosecutable violations under the applicable federal criminal civil rights statute."
"This matter lacks prosecutive merit and should be closed."
Obama/Biden DOJ in 2015 https://t.co/qHTth0Tfs8 https://t.co/QFU1LXMVCh
— David French (@DavidAFrench) August 9, 2020
Multiple independent forensic investigations — including your own Holder-led DOJ — concluded witness testimony of Brown going for Wilson’s gun and getting his finger in the trigger guard were correct and evidence-supported. You’re doing this purposefully to divide. https://t.co/xreRBby6vT
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) August 9, 2020
It’s what he does. No truth required. So is Twitter going to flag it for misinformation?
Joe forgot this happened during the Obama administration and the DOJ even investigated, found the officer innocent. The ‘hands up don’t shoot’ narrative was even debunked.
You guys writing these tweets, this didn’t help. lol https://t.co/I0Z4kBxEar
— The🐰FOO (@PolitiBunny) August 9, 2020
Didn’t that happen during the Obama administration? Probably could have, you know, tackled that then. https://t.co/OXNCToT8md
— Emily Zanotti (@emzanotti) August 9, 2020
Michael Brown committed strong-arm robbery of convenience store in Ferguson, MO, then violently attacked police officer.
Obama Justice Department, led by AG Eric Holder, investigated this officer-involved-shooting, determined justified use of deadly force.
Why gaslight this? 🤔 https://t.co/0eyH16mJV1
— James A. Gagliano (@JamesAGagliano) August 9, 2020
Democrats were in power in Ferguson and nationally, not Trump.
But Biden is in trouble now with recent bad racial statements he’s made, as well as a whole history of questionable racist statements. So he has to try to repair the damage by pandering, but actually being divisive and contributing to the untruths about the case when indeed he knew better. And if he actually truly thought there was something wrong with the Obama administration’s decision, why didn’t he speak up then? The answer is, he didn’t think there was anything wrong with it. He just now wants to appear to be on the right side to the left.
But all this does is prop up the lie and continue to give full to it, while at the same time ignoring his own administration’s actions. Given the present charged atmosphere and the anniversary this is particularly shameful.
HT: Twitchy
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