Fighting crime in Minneapolis has been a mess since the riots flared up in the wake of the death of George Floyd. Radical leftists even completely torched the 3rd Precinct which was the precinct Floyd died in.
Instead of concentrating on crime, the politicians have been involved in trying to defund the police at the very time they are critically needed.
There have been over 100 robberies and 20 carjackings in July alone. That’s a tremendous amount of violence in the estimation of the police.
Now with crime spiraling out of control, the Minneapolis Police has issued advice to residents on how to deal when facing a robbery or a carjacking.
The Daily Caller’s Kyle Hooten tweeted a copy of their advice.
Here's the not cropped, unmarked version of that message pic.twitter.com/Dpf1nqRknc
— Kyle Hooten (@KyleHooten2) August 1, 2020
The letter includes the information that in addition to the increased robberies and carjackings, that some robbery victims have been “maced, dragged, assaulted” or threatened with a gun.
So they counsel to “be prepared to give up your cell phone and purse/wallet” and “do as they [the criminals] say.” What’s odd about that is that it’s under “robbery prevention.” Doesn’t sound much like “prevention.”
The police also give tips on how to deal with carjackings. But obviously, one of those points is going to get them in trouble with their leftist bosses. They advise keeping all the doors locked and “not stopping for strangers who are trying to approach you or stop your car.” What about when the radical leftist BLM folks stop and surround your car?
Now while some of these thoughts might be normally good ideas anyway, they take on a different meaning in light of the effort to defund the police by the city council. That effort is all the more hypocritical when some of that same city council who voted to defund the police have had their own private security, paid for by the taxpayers.
From The Post Millenial:
It was also reported this past week that in light of the uptick in crime Minneapolis residents have formed their own neighbourhood watch groups to bring safety back to residential areas.
Calls to defund police have not stopped the violence in Minneapolis, and over one weekend in June, 12 people were shot. In the month after Floyd’s killing, Minneapolis police received 1,600 reports of gunfire. In 2017, Minneapolis was ranked as the 19th safest city in the US, under Lansing, New Orleans, Nashville, and Anchorage.
And if they call 911 and a social worker answers, what will they do?
Welcome to a liberal utopia.
HT: Twitchy
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