Democrats like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) have been losing their minds over the push to have wholesale mail-in voting.
When you see how desperate they are to have it, even trying to hold up virus relief to Americans in order to force it down our throats, you know something is rotten in Denmark.
Check out how desperate and adamant she is about it when a reporter dares to ask her why can’t she just put it in a separate bill rather than trying to add it into a relief bill, she freaks, throwing a tantrum like a little child, shrieking “no” about 11 times.
Pelosi shouts “NO” 11 times after she’s asked to put vote-by-mail in a separate bill from economic relief: pic.twitter.com/0WyOVzZrUk
— Jewish Deplorable (Parler: TrumpJew) (@TrumpJew) July 24, 2020
Maybe someone could help me, but what does vote by mail have to do with “justice?” Unless you mean it helps Democrats vote more times than they do with the dead voting already and increases their ability to win, which they think is “justice.”
Beyond even the question of fraud is trying to imagine what an utter mess this would become if they suddenly made this a requirement in places that haven’t had wholesale vote by mail.
One local news station was curious, so they decided to try an experiment to see what would happen if they did “mail in voting,” as CBS’s Tony Dukopil explains. They set up a P.0. Box to be their receiver and then went around to various locations all around Philadelphia and mailed 100 letters the size of a ballot and the same class mail to the P.O. Box. They then did it again a couple of days later with a second batch. All told, they sent themselves 200 ‘ballots.’
Needless to say, there were issues, as they found out.
Local news’ experiment in mail-in voting ends in disaster: "I just don’t trust the mail" pic.twitter.com/BUPP5a9TK9
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) July 29, 2020
First, the Post Office had trouble even finding them. Then when he finally got what they had, he found that 21% of the votes hadn’t materialized after 4 days and from the batch that they mailed the week before, 3 were still missing. So that’s 3% of that batch who were just disenfranchised. As they note, in a close election, 3% can turn the tide of an election.
Not to mention what happens if you don’t mail it early? Would it get there on time? According to CBS, in 2016, more than 73,000 out of 33 million mail-in ballots arrived too late to be counted.
With mail in ballots, you don’t have that surety that you do with in person voting that your vote reached them in time. As it is, in normal times they have trouble.
According to Postal Service recommendations, “voters should mail their return ballots at least one week prior to the due date.”
However, nearly half of all states still allow voters to request ballots less than a week before the election.
Setting up a significant problem, as election official Tammy Patrick explained.
“So states like Ohio, you can request your ballot on Saturday up until noon for Tuesday’s election,” Patrick explained. “And that is the worst possible thing… you are setting up the voters with false expectations, and you’re setting them up to fail.” [….]
When Dokoupil shared the results of the experiment with Philadelphia Commissioner Lisa Deeley, she said the results were better than she expected.
After nearly 15,000 votes arrived late in Philadelphia’s June primary, Deeley, who helps oversee elections, said voters are right to be wary.
“I can guarantee that I’m gonna get you your ballot, and if I get it back in time, it’s gonna be counted,” she said. “But I have no way of guaranteeing what happens in the postal service.”
Some states count ballots based on the post mark, some do not, as Dokupil explained.
Imagine this wholesale across the country, including in places that haven’t had it before, if Pelosi and the Democrats had their way. They’d be counting the votes until Christmas. That’s not even talking about out and out fraud or ballot harvesting.
Even the President picked up on the report.
Check out this Mail-In Voting experiment by a local news station! pic.twitter.com/23tOdt1hYc
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 29, 2020
If people are able to go to the store to get groceries, heck, if people are able to go to a media-approved protest for hours on end packed together, people should certainly be able to take a few minutes and vote in person.
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