One of the things that has distinguished the present radical leftists from a lot of the leftists is that they no longer have any limits. Once upon a time it was understood even among folks on the left that it was wrong to go to protest at someone’s home.
Not anymore. These radical leftists have made it a part of their cannon to force local politicians to do what they want.
We’ve seen that in places like Seattle where they’ve marched on the homes of the mayor and members of the city council. Marching on the mayor’s home had the opposite effect, making her finally say enough is enough and end the autonomous zone that they had set up in a part of the city.
But it’s an intimidation tactic and they tried it last night on Mayor Lori Lightfoot of Chicago.
They had received the news, as we reported yesterday, that Lightfoot was agreeing to allow federal agents to come in and help out with the violence and shootings in Chicago. Now, bottom line is, the feds don’t need her permission to come in, they can send supplemental agents to help out with their enforcement of federal law anywhere in the country they choose. But as a courtesy, the president spoke with Lightfoot and further shot down the ridiculous things she and other Democrats were saying about “troops” or roaming the city.
What the federal government is doing is sending more agents from agencies like the FBI and the ATF to help out with the spiraling shootings, murders and violence happening there and in some other cities. Also other agents to help out with protecting federal property, as needed. They’re not “troops” randomly patrolling the cities.
But even though it really isn’t up to Lightfoot and that the agents are there to actually save black lives as well as the other lives being taken every weekend in Chicago, the BLM radicals didn’t much care.
They marched on her house, demanding that she refuse the federal agents, even cut the CPD by 75%.
Chicago, Illinois right now. #ChicagoProtests #LoganSquareLockdown #DefundCPD #BlackLivesMatter pic.twitter.com/qDUPUzrX4x
— Vashon Jordan Jr. (@vashon_photo) July 24, 2020
Masks? What? Who said anything about masks?
I have to register with the diocese and consent to being contract traced to go to a socially distanced Mass on Sunday, at a church less than a mile from this demonstration. https://t.co/4bSs6J9N6d
— Emily Zanotti (@emzanotti) July 24, 2020
Warning for language:
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot agreed to let feds into Chicago. So this is the scene outside her house tonight.
— Joshua Potash (@JoshuaPotash) July 24, 2020
Thousands of #BlackLivesMatter protesters are singing "fuck CPD" to the tune of "YMCA" outside Mayor Lightfoot's house. pic.twitter.com/0mHasfInzD
— agitator in chief (@soit_goes) July 24, 2020
Hundreds of Black Lives Matter Members Gathers Around Chicago Mayors Lori Lightfoot House to voice anger about the FEDS coming in to stop Kids from being shot and to get Drug Dealers off the streets pic.twitter.com/xU0M0i7OTF
— Dowop Robinson (@dowop_robinson) July 24, 2020
Fortunately, this was one of the rare times it seems that the “mostly peaceful” was true. Perhaps in part because there was a huge phalanx of a couple of hundred of cops keeping them away from her home. So if she talks about defunding the police, people have to pull this moment out and remind her.
But imagine if you live in that neighborhood and are trying to go to sleep? Apparently, one old line leftist came out and yelled at them for making noise that was keeping his grandson awake and they basically blew him off. Good job alienating folks who might support support you.
Imagine also how twisted you have to be to claim that you care about black lives but want to prevent federal agents from coming to help to put a stop to them being taken?
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