The Washington Redskins announced on Monday that they would indeed be changing their name. They haven’t yet decided on a replacement name but are working out all the issues that would be involved in making such a legal switch.
So has that sated the left? No, far from it. Concession simply feeds the desire for more.
Let’s not ignore who’s behind much of this push. Not just activists seeking to control the narrative, but media pushing that everything about America is evil, even the names of sporting teams.
It’s not just the Washington Redskins, but other teams under the gun.
The Washington Post is already setting its sight on the latest target, the Texas Rangers.
What is wrong with the Rangers, you say? Well, read on and become ‘woke.’
Opinion: The Texas Rangers’ team name must go.
Members of the Texas Rangers force were violent agents of white supremacy. https://t.co/qaFCq7yU0A
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) July 13, 2020
My latest.
I spent the last week reading about the horrific atrocities against Indians, Mexicans and Black people that the historic Texas Rangers were responsible for during Texas's early history.
The Texas Rangers’ team name must go https://t.co/lSwabSI3Kl
— Karen Attiah (@KarenAttiah) July 13, 2020
Karen, naturally.
Karen argues the Texas Rangers the military/law enforcement group did bad things therefore the baseball team should drop the name. Of course, they mostly did good things, but why let facts enter the equation?
Fortunately, it sounds like, at the moment, the Rangers are resisting the suggestion.
From Washington Examiner:
“While we may have originally taken our name from the law enforcement agency, since 1971, the Texas Rangers Baseball Club has forged its own, independent identity,” the team said in a statement to the Dallas Morning News. “The Texas Rangers Baseball Club stands for equality. We condemn racism, bigotry and discrimination in all forms.”
Attiah said she hopes the team is willing to prove it’s serious about being more inclusive.
“If the team ownership, as it proclaims, condemns ‘racism, bigotry and discrimination in all forms,’ there is an easy way for it to prove that,” she wrote. “The Texas Rangers’ team name must go.”
But if we accept this silliness at all, then why aren’t Democrats doing away with their organization since Democrats have done so much wrong throughout American history? The Washington Post is pushing this, so when will they be giving up their slaveowner name? And what about Karen herself? Karens have done horrible racist things. Why does Karen still have that name?
We can walk through all of history and virtually any organization and call out negatives until nothing is left.
All of which has nothing to do with the fact that the Texas Rangers is just a baseball team.
At what point do we stop the madness?
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