What I’ve always found rather stunning about the whole Russia collusion hoax was the evidence that the Clinton team and the DNC had actually paid for ‘Russian information’ acquired through a foreign national, Christopher Steele, specifically to undermine their political opponent, while all the time, they and the media were screaming about false claims against the Trump team. And it’s always been pretty galling how the media has just skipped right over all the evidence about that so that even now, many Democrats and perhaps other Americans don’t understand what was done.
But information has continued to come out through a British lawsuit against Steele by two Russian bankers. Now, as we reported earlier, Steele has been ordered to pay damages to those bankers for the “inaccurate” or “misleading” material in the dossier. So, basically, you have a court finding that the claims were inaccurate.
Then, as Catherine Herridge observes, the importance of this is because that dossier is factoring into the Durham investigation.
#FISA British court docs in damages case also reveal new detail early contact between Steele + Fusion GPS at London’s Heathrow airport late May 2016 + “Ultimate Client” DNC. READ: This section begins approx page 20 https://t.co/sEAG6lzU9f pic.twitter.com/yOL81DCGuW
— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) July 9, 2020
Mr. Steele’s evidence is that he now believes the Ultimate Client was the Democratic National Committee. Mr Millar submits that the Ultimate Client was the Clinton election campaign, “Hillary for America”. This is in line with the FBI Note of 5 July 2016, which records Mr Steele telling the FBI that Orbis had been instructed by Mr Simpson of Fusion and “Democratic Party Associates” but that “the ultimate client were (sic) the leadership of the Clinton presidential campaign”. The FBI Note also indicates that Mr Steele had been told by that stage that Mrs Clinton herself was aware of what Orbis had been commissioned to do.
“Ultimate client was the Democratic National Committee” and “leadership of the Clinton presidential campaign.” Not only that, but that Hillary Clinton herself was aware of what was going on with the effort to undermine Trump.
The report also details the folks in the Obama administration who met with Steele, including Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and the State Department’s Kathy Kavalec. It also covers the other side of the effort: with Steele spreading this to the media to undermine Trump.
That’s why everything, since this information started to come out, has been an effort to cloud what was actually done and it was largely successful because many Americans still don’t understand these basic facts. But this also confirms there was a lot going on long before the Papadopoulos comments which may be part of what the Durham investigation is looking at.
HT: Twitchy
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