As we previously reported the CHAZ, now known as the CHOP which has been occupied by radical leftists now reportedly has its own “armed community patrol,” courtesy of the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club.
If you’ve heard of them before, it may have been because of their presence at Antifa-connected protests.
From Daily Wire:
Among members of the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club in 2019, according to police, was 69-year-old Willem van Spronsen, who allegedly attacked an ICE center before he was fatally shot by police after he allegedly pointed a rifle at authorities. Spronsen “allegedly approached the center around 4 a.m. Saturday, manipulating what looked like an AR-15-style rifle and setting fire to a building owned by the detention center. Police said surveillance video shows he placed flares strategically — including underneath a 500-gallon propane tank — ignited his own car so it would explode and threw molotov cocktails at nearby buildings,” according to The Washington Post.
The New York Times reported in 2019 that van Spronsen, “who was armed with a rifle, was throwing unspecified ‘incendiary devices’ at the Northwest Detention Center.” The incident, a Tacoma Police Department spokeswoman said, “could have resulted in the mass murder of staff and detainees housed at the facility.”
As Kim Kelly, herself a member of the Socialist Rifle Association, wrote for The Daily Beast, the group said it sees it as necessary to defend against possible incursion by “white supremacist groups” and other extremist groups, protecting the “border” of the zone and keeping the area “safe.” Hmm, I thought they were against walls, border patrol and policing?
But the mayor didn’t seem at all concerned about that situation, according to the Daily Wire:
“There have been individuals with weapons — open carrying is legal in Washington State,” a spokesperson for Seattle mayor Jenny Durkan’s office told the Daily Beast. “While the CHAZ is within the area of the City currently under a weapons ban, the Emergency Order establishing the weapons ban does not mandate enforcement. It gives officers the option to take certain actions (i.e., confiscate weapons) if they deem it necessary.”
“The City will continue to assess the area on a regular basis and work with community and other stakeholders on a path forward that allows individuals to demonstrate, businesses to continue their operations, and preserves public safety for local residents,” the spokesperson said. “Officers in the East Precinct have continued to respond to calls. [Seattle Police] Chief [Carmen] Best and Command Staff have been on site at the East Precinct including yesterday, and some personnel are now staffing the precinct.”
So wait a second, did you catch that? Let’s back up and look at part of that again. “The Emergency Order establishing the weapons ban does not mandate enforcement.” So not only is she not doing anything about an extremely dangerous situation, but her office is simply ignoring her own emergency order banning weapons in Seattle because of the pandemic to give these folks a pass.
Now, first, we think any such “executive orders” are likely unconstitutional. But this is just like protesters not being held to restrictions everyone else has to be held to elsewhere. They’re completely letting them flout it. Here’s what the order says, enacted on May 30.
“B. Within this zone, all persons are prohibited from possessing, transporting, purchasing, furnishing or selling any weapon, including, but not limited to: rocks, bottles, pipes, bats, clubs, chains, sharpened signs, shields, gas, road flares, torches, paint balls, light bulbs, any incendiary devices, pry-bars, skateboards, balloons filled with liquid, dimensional lumber with a dimension greater than 1/2 inch, or any other objects which can be used for infliction of bodily harm or damage to property.
C. Seattle Police are hereby directed confiscate any weapon identified above or any other implement reasonably perceived or believed to be capable of being used as a weapon found within these boundaries.”
So it surely sounds like not only is that a violation but that police are directed to confiscate it, not mention according to that definition, there are likely a ton of other “weapons” in the zone.
So anyone else prosecuted under this order, pull out this complete abdication of responsibility from Durkan.
Apparently, there’s such a thing as “protester immunity” for those with the “right ideas” for politicians who make their own orders.
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