The left is getting desperate with their ridiculous fake photos against President Donald Trump over the past day.
First, as my colleague Sister Toldjah reported, the Democrats including Hillary Clinton and David Axelrod fell for a picture allegedly from showing the White House with its lights off. They called it a metaphor and bashed Trump for it, without noting the some lights are turned off every night, the picture they used was from 2015 under Obama and additionally it was made darker by photoshop. But that didn’t stop them from making themselves look silly for what then became an accurate reflection on how bad the Obama administration was.
But Debra Messing decided not to let those Democrats be alone in utter stupidity. She seems to spend most of her time on Twitter obsessed with President Donald Trump. She’s an example of a celebrities who say they want Trump to go away but then are constantly fixated on him, making him ever present in their heads.
Messing spread a picture of the president holding up a Bible at St. John’s Church yesterday that claimed Trump was just like Hitler.
Here’s what she posted:
Messing attacked Trump for having a “photo op” at the Church and she called it a “dog whistle” to racists.
Imagine first of all being so stupid as to fall for a photoshop but second imagine thinking holding up a bible is somehow a “dog whistle” comparison to Hitler. How anyone could be so twisted and have so little understanding of history or reality is difficult to imagine.
The picture caption blared this is not an accident! No, it’s not an accident, it’s a photoshop that anyone could have figured out.
The backlash was good and swift.
Hollywood elites: anyone holding a Bible is Hitler!
This is idiocy. https://t.co/MBDnKg2oXf
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) June 2, 2020
“Hollywood elites: anyone holding a Bible is Hitler! This is idiocy,” said Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas.
Except when the Hitler photo is FAKE it ends up being a dog whistle for desperate, hateful people with no moral compass, like you.
Every time you do things like this you lose more and more support.
Just. Stop. https://t.co/Fuwuim5IZk
— Larry O'Connor (@LarryOConnor) June 2, 2020
“Except when the Hitler photo is FAKE it ends up being a dog whistle for desperate, hateful people with no moral compass, like you. Every time you do things like this you lose more and more support. Just. Stop,” radio host Larry O’Conner scolded the actress.
There are millionaires in Hollywood who are literally out of their minds https://t.co/bvtVh9arZf
— Jason Howerton (@jason_howerton) June 2, 2020
Even BuzzFeed busted her.
Please check stuff before you spread it. The Hitler photo is fake. https://t.co/hVLlQiSO4q
— Craig Silverman (@CraigSilverman) June 2, 2020
When even BuzzFeed has to correct you, you know it’s bad.
Messing being a ridiculous and unrepentant liberal made it clear she would rather stick to an untruth.
“Thank you Craig for informing me, I hadn’t known it was photoshopped. I still stand, however, by the comparison of Trump to an authoritarian dictator,” Messing wrote. “He did threaten to turn our military against our citizens. He used police might, horses,& teargas on peaceful protesters. Citizens protesting systemic violence against black ppl by police. Trump wants them ‘Dominated.’ That says it all.”
Trump didn’t say any such thing, notice how it goes completely over her head that the question of employing military was to save lives and help out, not to be ‘turned against our citizens.’ She also repeats a false story about teargas being used against peaceful protesters. There was no tear gas and they were not peaceful, they were attacking the police, and the police action was not commanded by Trump and was in response to the violent actions by the protesters.
Her lie is still up.
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