The summaries and transcripts of Gen. Michael Flynn’s Dec. 29, 2012 phone call with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak was released on Friday, along with transcripts of a few other calls between the two.
The Dec. 29 call was the supposed predicate for going after Flynn and interviewing him.
But as the transcripts show, there was nothing questionable about the call, there was no discussion of lifting or undermining sanctions as was claimed by some, there was nothing said that justified a criminal investigation into Flynn. That call and the subsequent calls involved normal discussion about setting up contacts as the incoming NSA, discussion about the Middle East and the “common enemy” – ISIS in Syria and had a discussion about the expulsions of Russian diplomats.
The reaction from folks on the right was swift and infuriated that this should have resulted in the prosecution of a man with such a decorated career, apparently all in the interests of taking him down and trying to undermine the Trump administration.
Sean Davis and Mollie Hemingway claimed it completely exonerated Flynn, that Flynn never talked about sanctions and the primary focus of the call was working together against ISIS. Perhaps that was why Mueller had always held back the transcripts because they would blow apart the claim.
The Flynn-Kislyak call transcripts exonerate Flynn and indict Mueller for deceitful sleight-of-hand meant to obscure the truth. There's a reason Mueller refused to turn the transcripts over to Flynn's defense team. https://t.co/1ztzqWUPUI
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) May 29, 2020
Declassified Flynn Transcripts Contradict Key Claims Made By Mueller https://t.co/E61coaVdh4
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) May 29, 2020
Dan Bongino said it was clear that Flynn had been framed.
It’s now CLEAR, Mike Flynn was framed. This conversation was clearly about the expulsion of the Russian diplomats & de-escalating a dangerous situation.The mention of “sanctions” is secondary & Flynn responds “yeah yeah.” How could Flynn lie about sanctions he wasn’t asked about? pic.twitter.com/ufhkzkk3Pf
— Dan Bongino (@dbongino) May 29, 2020
All of the people involved with framing Flynn need to go to jail for a long time, including anyone who knew the truth and said the opposite on CNN and MSNBC.
— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) May 30, 2020
Anyone who saw confidential information about Flynn and reported it to the public as the opposite of what it was should lose their security clearance forever. What would be a worse abuse of confidential information than that? https://t.co/jVaKhEVGmX
— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) May 30, 2020
Any reporter who says the release of the Flynn transcripts shows anything other than actual damn good diplomacy…is flat out lying. The sinister way we were told this phone call went…is nothing of the sort. As a foreign polic guy…I’m pissed at how we were misled
— Adam Housley (@adamhousley) May 30, 2020
Prof. Margot Cleveland was “beyond angry.”
THREAD: I'm angry. Beyond angry. I beg every American who cares about the truth and this country to read the transcript–THE TRANSCRIPT–of @GenFlynn calls with the Russian ambassador. Some points follow, but let me start with this out-take. /1 pic.twitter.com/rPMnFYDb60
— Margot Cleveland (@ProfMJCleveland) May 29, 2020
2/ Here is the link to the transcript. https://t.co/u6iAc92hye
— Margot Cleveland (@ProfMJCleveland) May 29, 2020
3/ That out-take tells you everything you need to know about why Obama had January 5 meeting to discuss withholding information with the Trump transition team and administration. Can't you just picture petty little Barack Obama "how dare General Flynn say I cannot "box" them in.
— Margot Cleveland (@ProfMJCleveland) May 29, 2020
4/ And for all those who scream about diplomacy, my God, read the damn transcript. We want men like General Flynn leading diplomacy. pic.twitter.com/ksPQoePrUO
— Margot Cleveland (@ProfMJCleveland) May 29, 2020
5/ And not just diplomacy but the fight against the common enemy–terrorists. pic.twitter.com/oDrv07EeP2
— Margot Cleveland (@ProfMJCleveland) May 29, 2020
6/ Read the — damn transcript! General Flynn did not interfere with the Obama administration. The Obama administration interfered with the Trump administration. pic.twitter.com/XVT4D1f1Ay
— Margot Cleveland (@ProfMJCleveland) May 29, 2020
7/ Even Russia saw that! pic.twitter.com/iie01PUy8t
— Margot Cleveland (@ProfMJCleveland) May 29, 2020
8/ The focus was on following Trump's inauguration. pic.twitter.com/94Kg69TRte
— Margot Cleveland (@ProfMJCleveland) May 29, 2020
9/9 This entire 3-year nightmare for General Flynn all arose because a petty little man named Barack Obama demanded revenge. And @JoeBiden was right by his side. END
— Margot Cleveland (@ProfMJCleveland) May 29, 2020
Literally at his side on Jan. 5, kicking this into motion. This shows that AG Barr was completely correct in saying that there was no predicate for going after Flynn.
That didn’t stop House Intel Chair Adam Schiff his best to spin the transcripts, as they have been spinning and lying the last three years.
Schiff: "These transcripts fully affirm what we already knew from Flynn’s Statement of Offense … that Flynn in fact lied about his interactions with the Russian Ambassador. It should be no surprise that the President and his allies wish to promote conspiracy theories." https://t.co/k0HjCfHEr3
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) May 29, 2020
Mueller owes us $40 million dollars and the Obama officials owe us an explanation, under oath, as do all the members of Congress like Schiff who lied about this.
HT: Twitchy
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