Fox senior meteorologist Janice Dean has certainly been vocal lately, primarily shining a light on the horrific handling of nursing homes during the pandemic by Gov. Andrew Cuomo and New York officials here and here.
But she also took on CNN’s Oliver Darcy in defense of Fox.
As my colleague Sister Toldjah wrote earlier, Darcy attacked Fox for having varying views on the president taking hydroxychloroquine.
Fox can’t get its story straight: While one host zings Trump for taking hydorxychloroquine, another host encourages its use. While one medical contributor calls it “highly irresponsible,” another says it’s “reasonable.” What are viewers to believe? https://t.co/6tWjJ1llnR
— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) May 19, 2020
What’s astonishing is that he doesn’t realize that yes, that’s how normal people react when they aren’t being mandated to all stick to a narrative. That yes, some people might disagree, that yes, on this subject even doctors disagree. Many are in fact taking the drug as a preventative. That this shows once again that Fox, which CNN likes to paint as cult-like or “state TV,” is far from it, while CNN is the “hive mind,” only one narrative allowed.
“Can’t get its story straight…What are viewers to believe,” Darcy says, therein exposing his problem. It isn’t up to him to tell viewers what to believe. It’s to present facts, such as opposing opinions and viewers get to decide for themselves what to believe.
Janice Dean took him on and tried to school him.
I see both sides of the story. Isn’t that crazy that there’s two sides as long as it’s explained properly? All drugs can be dangerous if not used properly. I understand Neil’s take and I understand the other side that it can be beneficial.
— Janice Dean (@JaniceDean) May 19, 2020
But Darcy being Darcy and CNN, he wasn’t listening.
The FDA has cautioned against its use outside a hospital setting or clinical trial and stated the drug has “not been shown to be safe and effective for treating or preventing COVID-19.” Not sure we need to “both sides” this one or mock media for pointing it out, like Laura did.
— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) May 19, 2020
Which doesn’t change that it’s been approved by the FDA for decades for other uses, in addition to being used as a malaria preventive it’s also been used by folks with conditions like lupus, all outside of a hospital setting. It’s being prescribed by thousands of doctors across the country outside of a hospital setting and being used by doctors themselves as a preventative. Now, if one is a journalist one would know this. But this is CNN.
Dean then makes the point I keep making all the time: what really is all this objection about hydroxychloroquine about? You can only get it (legally) if a doctor prescribes it. So if this is what his doctor believes is best and has prescribed it, Darcy is essentially trying to interfere with his non-medical opinion into what the doctor thinks is the proper prescription under the circumstances.
Thanks Dr. Oliver. I’m also on a drug that could cause death. I don’t go around telling people to go on it and at the same time I’m under a doctors care. The President is under a doctors care while he’s on it so then what’s the problem? Oh never mind. You don’t see both sides.
— Janice Dean (@JaniceDean) May 19, 2020
So then why did Fox’s senior managing editor of health news call the move “highly irresponsible “?
— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) May 19, 2020
There are arguments on both sides. We found out from the President’s doctor last night that he thinks it’s ok for him to be on it. I’m ok with that. If he was just taking it with no doctor supervision then yah it’s a problem. You keep doing you, Dr Oliver.
— Janice Dean (@JaniceDean) May 19, 2020
Bottom line, doctor can prescribe it as an “off label use” and that’s between Trump and his doctor, not CNN or anyone else.
What is all this really about? Trying to attack Trump and Fox no matter what, that’s the basic aim of CNN. But Dean and most Americans are having none of that, as CNN’s impoverished ratings show.
HT: Twitchy
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