We picked up a virus from China, as everyone knows.
But that may not be the only “virus” we have absorbed from them.
As we’ve previously reported, we also have some cities across the country employing Chinese drones to spy on people who may not be social distancing. Should we even ask what the Chinese get out of that “donation” to our police forces?
But that’s not all. Have we also picked up their “snitch culture” in the process?
In China, in every apartment building and in every block, there’s always at least one person who is the local Communist informant, ready to fink out anyone who does anything of which the government might not approve.
Now, with all the stay-at-home orders and various social distancing rules, various local governments have established a process where you can report on your neighbor for violating the rules.
Mayor Bill de Blasio asked people to call in to a snitch line and many responded as they should to such a request: they posted pictures of him violating his own orders. He was so shamed, the tip line ended up getting shut down.
But in Missouri, it was a bit more problematic. We appear to have a lot of folks willing to turn in their neighbors.
In St. Louis County, in Missouri, they had a website and more than 900 people snitched on people and businesses, resulting in 29 businesses being cited. The people doing the snitching had to fill out a form with their names and contact information. The form had a warning that information could be made public pursuant to the Sunshine Law.
So in a rare instance of karma, the snitches were themselves outed or snitched on. A man named Jared Totsch then requested the information of who had complained and posted the information on Facebook, “Here, ya go. The gallery of snitches, busybodies, and employees who rat out their own neighbors and employers over the Panic-demic,” he posted.
From Daily Mail:
‘If they are worried about retaliation, they should have read the fine print which stated their tips would be open public record subject to a Sunshine request, and should not have submitted tips in that manner to begin with,’ Totsch wrote. ‘I released the info in an attempt to discourage such behavior in the future.’
Asked how he felt about some possibly losing their job because their email was published, Totsch was under the impression it would be deserved.
‘I’d call it poetic justice, instant Karma, a dose of their own medicine. What goes around, comes around,’ Tosch wrote. ‘They are now experiencing the same pain that they themselves helped to inflict on those they filed complaints against.’
It’s hard not to feel that there’s a little bit of turnabout is fair play for them being outed and be disturbed by government encouraging people to fink on their neighbors for daring to walk out of their house or go to the beach.
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