As we reported earlier today, Hillary Clinton joined in a video chat with Joe Biden and endorsed him for president.
It didn’t start off well, as my colleague Bonchie observed. Their first 23 seconds was a foreshadowing of what was to come.
Lively. pic.twitter.com/VkEuW4qZtR
— Kate Hyde (@KateHydeNY) April 28, 2020
Joe Biden has fallen asleep listening to Hillary Clinton during his own town hall pic.twitter.com/tCfbXwezys
— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) April 28, 2020
And it went downhill from there.
Hillary went there and pointed to the ‘positive’ in the pandemic.
Hillary Clinton: “this would be a terrible crisis to waste” to not push for a government health care takeoverhttps://t.co/0YjwnuVuXf pic.twitter.com/k3TKeaaoON
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) April 28, 2020
“This is a high stakes time because of the pandemic, but this is also a really high stakes election,” Clinton exclaimed. “Every form of health care should continue to be available, including reproductive health care for every woman in this country, and then it needs to be a part of a much larger system that eventually, and quickly I hope, gets us to universal health care.”
“This would be a terrible crisis to waste,” Clinton concluded, saying it was now necessary to resolve “health injustice” and “economic injustice.”
Then Joe did a “Hillary Deplorable” moment and chastised the states who didn’t vote for her, you know those same states that he would need to have to win.
Joe Biden goes after swing states: can’t believe “the way in which some of the states acted” in 2016 pic.twitter.com/OgtJbDaSXS
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) April 28, 2020
Great job there, Joe! Hillary just ignored Wisconsin, Joe managed to insult the intelligence of every state that didn’t vote for Hillary. I’m sure that will encourage those states to vote for him. Not.
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