Rep.-elect Ilhan Omar, with House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi of California, right, speaks about the party’s legislative priorities when Democrats assume the majority in the 116th Congress in January, during a news conference at the Capitol in Washington, Friday, Nov. 30, 2018. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
Looks like things may be heating up for Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), if Thursday’s report from David Steinberg at The Blaze is correct.
Steinberg had previously reported that the FBI was looking into alleged offenses committed by Omar. He’s written a lot on Omar at PJ Media and Powerline.
From The Blaze:
Minnesota state Rep. Steve Drazkowski (R) had previously filed a complaint on the matter with the Minnesota District of the Department of Justice. That office — headed by U.S. Attorney Erica MacDonald, a 2018 Donald Trump appointee — directed the FBI to review the complaint. An FBI SAC formally met with Rep. Drazkowski, and others, in mid-October to receive a prepared file of evidence and related information.
Steinberg said then that the nature of the evidence was likely to expand out to other agencies.
He’s now updating us with more information, noting that it appears to have done so. He says that at least two other federal agencies have been contacted by the FBI in regard to Omar’s actions and that those agencies had been in touch with people from the meeting in October who had relevant information or evidence.
The first, the Department of Education (DOE) Office of the Inspector General, appears to concern Omar’s 2009 marriage to her second husband. She attended North Dakota State University at the same time as the marriage, both lasted from 2009 to 2001. Her husband was enrolled from 2010-2011. According to Steinberg, Omar was still living with her first husband and their children at the same time. Steinberg said that in 2017 in a nine question form to the court in her divorce that she had lost contact with the second husband in 2011, but that there was a lot of social media posts and other information which showed this was not the case. The Office of the Inspector General is involved in “identifying fraud, waste, abuse, and criminal activity involving ED funds, programs, and operations.”
The second agency is allegedly Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Omar is a well-known enemy of of ICE, declaring frequently that the department should be abolished. Now she may be under investigation from them which is some kind of irony. But it might also explain her antipathy to them. Not only does it fit her political persuasion but it may also fit her personal issues. This might involve the question of the British second husband.
Steinberg pointed to a slew of “questions about [Rep. Omar’s 2009 marriage],” which according to his report allegedly could include “eight instances of perjury, immigration fraud, marriage fraud, up to eight years of state and federal tax fraud, two years of federal student loan fraud, and even bigamy.” Omar has not been charged with any crime.
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