Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden speaks with reporters after a campaign stop at Lindy’s Diner in Keene N.H., Saturday, Aug. 24, 2019. (AP Photo/Michael Dwyer)
As things look right now, former Vice President Joe Biden is likely to be the nominee of the Democratic party although it’s obviously too early to say.
This, despite a boatload of questions. Not just about things like his inappropriate touching scandal or questions about son’s business activities in Ukraine and China.
But even just about his basic capacity to hold the office.
His frequent gaffes and apparent confusion have left a big doubt in the minds in a lot of voters, even among Democrats looking to find a choice who is more moderate (and even on that, Joe seems to have gone pretty left).
Every weekend there’s another “did he really do that” incident as he goes out on the stump and actually has to interact with people.
On Friday he was in Iowa and, according to the Des Moines Register, he was asked by a voter who he would pick for Vice President running mate if he got the nomination.
Biden said he had at least four women in mind for the position but he couldn’t seem to name any of them.
He then said he didn’t want to name them because then people would think “the press will think that’s who I picked.”
But then he listed the people anyway by their most recent jobs/for what they were most recently known. So it was clear that the problem wasn’t communicating who they were, it was him seemingly not remembering their names.
From NY Post:
“The former assistant attorney general who got fired who was just in Delaware,” he began, an apparent reference to Sally Yates, who President Trump fired in 2017 when she refused to enforce his travel ban.
“The leader of the, uh, the woman who should’ve been the governor of Georgia, the African American woman,” he continued — meaning Stacey Abrams, who lost a governor’s race in 2018.
“The two senators from the state of New Hampshire,” he concluded. That would be Democratic Sens. Jeanne Shaheen and Maggie Hassan.
Yates has never held elective office although she is a Democrat.
Stacey Abrams is most known for her inability to take a loss gracefully refusing to concede after losing the race for governor of Georgia. She’s continued to insist she really won and that the vote was somehow unfairly suppressed despite there being record turnout. Biden even suggests that conspiracy theory in mentioned her, saying she “should’ve” been governor.
Maybe, if you’re want to be president and you’re talking about potential vice-presidential running mates who you supposedly had thought about for the position, you should at least be able to remember their names?
Just a thought, of course.
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