'Serious' Fraud? Adam Schiff Files Contradictory Statements on 'Principal' Residences in Different States

Jim Lo Scalzo/Pool via AP

I don't know about you, but of all lawmakers in Congress, there's no one I'd rather see taken down than California Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff. Whether it's Shifty's smugness, blatant hypocrisy, or serial lying, this guy is the political hack I'd most love to see done in by his own actions.


While I'm not in the prediction business, I will say that Schiff might be on the verge of serious criminal charges, including tax and election fraud, the likes of which few D.C. lawmakers have seen. 

Here's a short summary of Schiff's predicament as it now stands:

In the two decades before he became the Democrats' 2024 U.S. Senate nominee in California, former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff repeatedly declared in mortgage and election filings that both of his homes – one in California and the other in Maryland – were his "principal residence." The claims have now prompted an ethics complaint and could be prosecutable as fraud, experts said.

So what's the problem? 

America's homeowners are allowed to claim just one home as their primary residence: the one they live in the majority of the year, according to federally backed lender Freddie Mac. Yet Schiff alternately declared both California and Maryland homes as “principal” on multiple mortgage and election forms dating to 2003 and reviewed by Just the News.

Why Would Schiff Do That?

Those conflicting sworn statements provided the California congressman with both financial and political benefits over the years, primarily lower mortgage interest rates, tax advantages, and the ability to run for election in a California House district.

Oh, c'mon. Shifty wouldn't do that, would he? The shyster who first claimed "Russian collusion" to help Donald Trump defeat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election (to no avail) and later incessantly declared that Hunter Biden's infamous laptop computer was "Russian disinformation," which also proved to be nonsense? Nah, no way.


Yeah, way:

In at least three instances, documents show that in 2009 and again in 2011 and 2013, Schiff refinanced his Maryland home and declared it was his “principal residence” at the same time he had declared his principal residence was in the California, according to 2009 and 2011 financing docs for his Burbank condo.

2009_02_06 - Maryland Refinance - Principal Residence Deed of Trust [8+8a].pdf

2011_01_11 - Maryland Home Refinance - Principal Residence Deed of Trust [11+11a+11b].pdf

2013_01_12 - Maryland Home Refinance Principal Residence Deed of Trust [15+15a+15b].pdf

2009_06_17 - Purchase of Burbank condo [9+9a].pdf

2011_11_04 - Burbank Condo Refinance [13].pdf

The pattern was first detected by Sacramento-based real estate investigator Christine Bish, who also is running for Congress as a Republican this year. She filed an ethics complaint against Schiff in Congress.

Bish alleges in her complaint: "Depending on tax history and statements or misstatements made, Adam Schiff may also be guilty of tax fraud."

After reviewing the documents at the request of Just the News, retired FBI supervisory special agent Jeff Danik said the documented charges carry significant criminal penalties if substantiated:

These are serious, documented allegations which carry significant criminal penalties if substantiated. [The DOJ] maintains a robust fraud enforcement section that routinely investigates similar allegations, and the 10-year statute of limitations available in bank fraud investigations would allow for an expansive inquiry.


Neither Schiff nor his office responded to requests from Just the News for comment via phone or email.

Poetic Justice

Retired Little Rock, Ark., U.S. Attorney Bud Cummins, who prosecuted many financial fraud cases during his tenure, told Just the News:

[Schiff] has lied to the American people more times than I can count, so it would come as no surprise to learn he misled his bank. These mortgage claims] merit a fair and neutral investigation by both Congress and DOJ, but fair and neutral investigations seem nearly extinct.

How true. Articles like this one tend to attract comments about "strongly worded statements" and such, yet few consequences. I get it. I also agree. Still, we report on the goings-on as accurately as we can, and hope as well that justice will ultimately be delivered to those who deserve it. 

No one deserves more consequences than Adam Schiff.


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