Pure Politics: Biden Expected to Sign Executive Order to Seal the Border and Restrict Asylum

AP Photo/Gregory Bull

The Biden Border Crisis.

Then-presidential candidate Joe Biden all but pledged throughout the 2020 campaign to place welcoming mariachi bands along the southern border along with party piñatas for the kiddies. 


Now, with untold numbers of millions of illegal aliens in the country, including "got-aways," and Biden's approval rating continuing to swirl down the toilet at breakneck speeds, it appears his handlers are nervously having second thoughts.

As reported by The New York Times, Biden is expected to sign an executive order on Tuesday allowing him to temporarily seal the U.S. border with Mexico to stop the illegal surge of asylum seekers into the country.

Senior Biden aides have briefed members of Congress in recent days on the forthcoming order and told them to expect the president to sign it alongside mayors from South Texas, according to several people familiar with the plans. 

Texas Democrat Rep. Henry Cuellar backed the executive action, even though he hadn't yet read it. 

I’ve been briefed on the pending executive order. I certainly support it because I’ve been advocating for these measures for years. While the order is yet to be released, I am supportive of the details provided to me thus far.

Cuellar has previously criticized Biden for not bolstering enforcement at the border earlier in his presidency. 

Angelo Fernández Hernández, a White House spokesman, said in a statement on Monday:

While congressional Republicans chose to stand in the way of additional border enforcement, President Biden will not stop fighting to deliver the resources that border and immigration personnel need to secure our border.

[The administration is was exploring] a series of policy options and we remain committed to taking action to address our broken immigration system.


Here's more, via The Times:

The order would allow border officials to prevent migrants from claiming asylum and rapidly turn them away once border crossings exceed a certain threshold. Government officials earlier this year discussed allowing Mr. Biden to shut down the border if there were an average of 5,000 border crossings in a week, or 8,500 in a single day, but those involved in the negotiations cautioned that the threshold was not finalized and could change. White House officials have been focused on a trigger that would empower Mr. Biden to shut down the border.

Embattled serial-lying Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who never fails to deliver (to those who think he should impeached, convicted, and promptly thrown into prison for treason), predictably said in May:

Legislation is what is needed. Executive action will be challenged. I am confident in that. And then the question will be what is the outcome of those proceedings? Legislation is a more certain delivery of solution.

Uh-huh. Coupla questions, Alejandro:

Which "executive actions" did your boss sign to be able to implement his intentional border invasion?

And why does arguably the worst president in U.S. history need congressional action to stop what it intentionally started shortly after Biden took office? 

Even worse, Biden said the following about former President Trump in 2019 about Trump's "Return to Mexico" policy.

This is the first president in the history of the United States of America that anybody seeking asylum has to do it in another country. That’s never happened before.

You come to the United States and you make your case. That’s how you seek asylum, based on the following premise, why I deserve it under American law.


The shameless hypocrisy of Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. knows no bounds. There is no depth to which this guy, his handlers, and the Democrat Party won't sink. 

The Bottom Line

So what changed? Why the 180? The answer is not only simple; it's obvious.

Biden's handlers are desperately trying to salvage his miserable dumpster fire of a presidency by pulling out every stop they think might help.

But here's the other thing: 

If Biden does take the executive action and wins in November — then actually follows through with the EO — how many nanoseconds will it take him to rip it into shreds and go right back to importing as many illegal aliens as he can get away with in a second term?


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Editor's Note: This article was updated post-publication for clarity.


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