To be sure, the serial-lying prowess of embattled Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas rivals that of Joe Biden and shameless California Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff. But lo and behold, Mayorkas has finally admitted a southern border fact that has been blatant from the first days of the Biden administration.
The question is, to paraphrase two-time presidential race loser Hillary, what difference will it make?
As the Biden Border Crisis™ continues, with zero signs of slowing down, let alone stopping, Mayorkas recently told a “pro-migration” lawyer that, in effect, gaps do exist in Biden’s new border rules, but the DHS head, in Bidenesque fashion, blamed the U.S. Congress for those gaps. Funny, one would’ve thought Mayorkas would’ve blamed Mad Vlad Putin or Donald Trump. [sarc]
As reported by Breitbart, the Cuban-born Mayorkas said during a March 15 interview with Ahilan Arulanantham, a former ACLU lawyer who now runs the Center for Immigration Law and Policy at the UCLA School of Law, that there were many exceptions and loopholes in Biden’s proposed (lied about) illegal immigration curbs:
It is about taking one’s ideals, taking one’s ambitions, in seeking to realize those ideals, and meeting the moment, the reality with that we confront … How do you propose that we handle 8,000 people each day when we are not [funded by Congress] for that?
Yo, Alejandro. Any idea why those “8,000” illegals surge the border each day, in the first place? Maybe the below image will help with your memory.

The truth is, Mr. Secretary, Joe Biden promised throughout the 2020 presidential campaign to all but erect northbound people movers along the southern border. ¿lo entiendes?
Still, Mayorkas insisted: “We’ve done so much and we have so much more to do that we will do.”
Oh, that “so much more” has clearly been true from the outset, Mr. Secretary, but the problem is what you did and want to do even more of.
Soberingly, as of August 17, 2022, roughly five million foreign nationals have illegally entered the United States. The five million figure includes 3.9 million illegals who’ve been apprehended entering the U.S. illegally nationwide, 3.4 million of which were at the southern border. It also includes a minimum of 900,000 gotaways, though that number is likely significantly higher, according to Border Patrol agents. Moreover, a majority of those apprehended are “processed” and promptly released into the country, with the understanding that they will appear at a future immigration hearing. Uh-huh, sure they will.
Mayorkas said the new Congress doesn’t want to support Biden’s ongoing unpopular (open) border policy, and no longer wants to fund the high level of illegal “migrants.”
I was given a recommendation to seek money from Congress. That is not particularly helpful — I’ve tried that.
Yet still, Mayorkas continues to insist (blatantly lie) that the border is not only secure; but also that DHS has “operational control” of the entire southern border.
WATCH: Secretary Mayorkas has been falsely claiming since day one that the border is secure, and that DHS has operational control.
He's wrong. The border is wide open. We don’t have operational control. And his own Border Patrol chief just admitted it.
— John Cooper (@thejcoop) March 17, 2023
Just one problem. As we reported on March 15, when Homeland Security Committee Chair, Republican Rep. Mark Green, asked Chief of Border Patrol Raul Ortiz if the U.S. had “operational control of our entire border?” Ortiz went bottom-line in just two words: “No, sir.”
🚨: Rep. Green asked Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz if the US has operational control of the border.
Ortiz said no.
Green then played a video of DHS Sec. Mayorkas testifying the US has control of the border. Green then asked Ortiz if Mayorkas was lying.
Ortiz wouldn’t answer.
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) March 15, 2023
Clearly, Alejandro Mayorkas has lied from the beginning, and he continues to do — save his slight admission that border gaps do indeed exist, irrespective of whom he claims is to blame.
So What Are Biden’s New Illegal Immigration ‘Curbs’?
While Biden isn’t even close to promising an end to his intentionally created border crisis, he’s instead trying to reduce the political fallout from his disastrous border policies by announcing deceptive curbs that will like do very little — if not zero — to stem the surge and subsequent breach of the border.
Here’s more, via Breitbart:
The first apparent curb is the decision to stop the cross-border inflow of people from four countries — Cuba, Nicaragua, Haiti, and Venezuela. But that “parole pathway” plan simply diverts the migrants to airports so they can fly directly from their home countries to job offers and apartment rentals in America.
The second is a draft policy that would apparently curb asylum applications by migrants crossing from Mexico. But it contains so many exemptions that it likely will stop few migrants.
Both policies are being described by establishment media sites as successful curbs on illegal migration.
But … favorable media coverage also means that Mayorkas has to talk down the progressives who oppose even symbolic or temporary curbs on migration into Americans’ increasingly chaotic society of poor workers, wealthy investors, and a shrinking middle class.
In other words — literally — words only, but no actions.
By the way, did I mention that Alejandro Mayorkas is a liar?
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