Tip of the hat to alert Twitter user @AllenCo66273228. I’ll just let him report what he discovered.
More shady lab results for Florida.
Yesterday NOMI Health reported that it conducted 1,990 test, and that each and every one was positive.
20% of the new cases in FL yesterday.
Created upward spike in positive percentage.
No one is watching the labs . . . . pic.twitter.com/310W7n4wTA
— AllenCo66273228 (@AllenCo66273228) January 30, 2021
Shady lab results, indeed.
In fact, even a wee bit shadier than Allen is reporting.
Here’s a link to the Florida data tracker.
If you scroll all the way down to the bottom to a section called Laboratory Testing Data Table, type the name of the lab, NOMI, into the search box and then go to the what’s now the second and final page, you’ll see that NOMI Health reported an additional 29 out of 29 positive tests, bringing the total up to 2019 out of 2019 positive tests yesterday for COVID-19, which of course was named after the year, 2019.

It’s almost like they’re messing with us.
However, either the data on total number of new cases has itself been significantly updated or Allen used the seven-day rolling average rather than the raw number.
If you go to the very first section, at present you’ll see that around 15,000 new cases were recorded in Florida for January 29. That means the 2019 out of 2019 positive tests NOMI labs reported amount to a tad over 13.5% of the total.
Still, nothing to sneeze at and, as Allen says, pretty darned shady.

I’ve reported ad nauseam on how the standard tests for COVID-19 detect minute quantities of “dead” viral remains rather than “live” infectious virus and that, as a result, virtually 100% of positive test results do NOT indicate infection.
NY TIMES: Up to 90% Who've Tested COVID-Positive Wrongly Diagnosed! TRUTH: A Whole Lot Worse! (Pt 3/3) https://t.co/slTC4iTPTC
— ItalianConservative (@BidenResistor) January 26, 2021
As I noted in the most comprehensive report featured above:
But, if a positive PCR test doesn’t mean you’re currently infected with COVID-19, what does it mean?
Well, believe it or not, it might mean the exact opposite. Maybe you were infected but fully recovered days, or weeks, or even months ago and, far from being sick, now have immunity to the virus.
Or maybe some of it was among the trillions of viruses that are always roaming around your system that never rise to the level of infection.
Heck, given that the viral remains are getting amplified over a trillion times, maybe some dead fragments were among the God-only-knows how many microscopic entities living in that sandwich you ate a few hours before getting tested or simply suspended in the air you breathed while walking through the front door.
In other words, what a positive COVID-19 PCR test means is absolutely nothing.
The numbers the medical bureaucrats in charge have been throwing at us might as well have come from a Ouija board.
I’ve also stated the obvious corollary ad naseam: The official COVID-19 stats Anthony Fauci and his blue media minions have used to terrorize us into submission are complete garbage.
Just a reminder that anyone dying 60 days after a positive COVID PCR test gets included in the death stats.
Even if they were kiled in a car crash.
Stop quoting the official death count. It's garbage.https://t.co/7HQU3FAPvU pic.twitter.com/C3CfEUdQPo— Michael Thau (@MichaelThau) September 10, 2020
No one has the faintest idea how many people have contracted or died from COVID–19 except that the number is a hell of a lot smaller than what’s being reported.
We've Known for Months 3 Factors Are Massively Inflating COVID's Fatality Count. Trump Needs to Appoint a Commission to Find Out the Truth https://t.co/HWVq78Jmnb
— Holly (@Holly2360) September 10, 2020
Honestly, getting just as tired of the people who continue to take this BS seriously as I am of the whole sickening charade itself. Even a lot of smart folks perfectly aware of how many crucial lies they’ve been told keep on believing and regurgitating the underlying narrative.
They’re like the put upon wife who’s caught her husband cheating dozens of times yet neither understands he was that way from the beginning nor evinces any skepticism the next time he calls and says he’ll be working late at the office.
No better way to make a fool of yourself than quoting any of the BS COVID-19 data they’ve been feeding us.
And a lot of folks are, apparently determined to keep doing just that.