In Friday’s edition of Union Briefs, you were provided with a compilation of the problems surrounding Barack Obama’s then-purported pick to replace Hilda Solis as Secretary of Labor.

Since Friday, as expected, the White House has announced that Barack Obama would indeed nominate Thomas Perez to replace Solis. However, as more light is shed on Thomas Perez and his questionable qualifications for Secretary of Labor, opposition is growing.
Earlier this afternoon, Republican Senator David Vitter announced he will be blocking the Perez nomination.
Below is the press release from Senator Vitter’s office:
U.S. Sen. David Vitter announced his commitment to block the nomination of Thomas Perez as Secretary of the Labor Department until the Department of Justice responds to his 2011 letter related to spotty enforcement of the National Voter Registration Act in Louisiana. Perez was closely involved in the controversial New Black Panther voter intimidation case before the Department of Justice.
“Thomas Perez’s record should be met with great suspicion by my colleagues for his spotty work related to the New Black Panther case, but Louisianians most certainly should have cause for concern about this nomination,” said U.S. Sen. David Vitter. “Perez was greatly involved in the DOJ’s partisan full court press to pressure Louisiana’s Secretary of State to only enforce one side of the law – the side that specifically benefits the politics of the president and his administration at the expense of identity security of each and every Louisianian on the voter rolls.”
In the 2011 letter, Vitter asked the DOJ to be consistent in their efforts to enforce the National Voter Registration Act. In a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder, Vitter highlighted that DOJ filed a lawsuit against Louisiana alleging the state has not complied with Section 7 of NVRA, yet has done nothing to enforce Section 8 in other states. Thomas Perez is specifically named in the letter (bolded below).
Section 7 of NVRA requires certain government offices, such as those who provide welfare assistance, to provide voter registration forms. Section 8 requires states to conduct voter roll cleaning to purge ineligible felons, illegal aliens and deceased voters from corrupting the election process. The two provisions act together as counterparts.
Surely, there will be more to come on this.
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Andrew Breitbart (1969-2012)
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